Saturday, December 31, 2011


Deanol Bitartrate is a supplement that contains the active ingredient of dimethylaminoethanol, which is a naturally occurring analogue of choline. Its presence leads to higher levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the brain. It is thought that this supplement helps keep your mind sharp and elevates your mood.



Huperzine extract is sourced from club moss. Huperzine has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine. Many opine that huperzine prevents the breakdown of acetylcholine in the brain. This process is thought to keep one's mind focused and memory strong.

The limited research on huperzine shows mixed results. Until more research is conducted,
it will not be known if huperzine is of any substantial benefit.


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Frozen Fish Oil Capsules -- Gregory Chandler

I read an article recently that suggests that one freeze fish oil capsules and swallow them frozen. The frozen fish oil capsule will thaw in the digestive system. This process will keep one from burping up the fish taste. I will try this.
Gregory Chandler

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Gregory Chandler - Caffeine

According to research, caffeine can boost one's workout performance. This is the finding in a study published in the January 2011 issue of the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
On two laboratory visits, 13 moderately trained male subjects performed bench press repetitions to failure at 60 percent of their one-rep maximum. On one visit, they ingested caffeine, and on the other visit they took a placebo. Researchers found that subjects completed significantly greater weight when using caffeine. The caffeine group also had higher "mood state scores" for "vigor" and lower scores for "fatigue."

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Gregory Chandler - Olive Oil

Many individuals do not realize that olive oil--a fat--is also a fat burner. Olive oil helps burn fat, optimize the body's metabolism, and may lessen oxidative stress on the heart. These findings are published in the October 2010 issue of Nutrition Journal. The researches opine that olive oil's phenolic compounds, specifically oleuropein and caffeic acid, may be responsible for these benefits.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Gregory Chandler - Hand Care With Sugar

Common table sugar is one way remedy flaky hand skin. First, wet your hands with water. Second, coat your hands with sugar. Although common table sugar may be used, the coarser the sugar, the more hand relief you will get. The rough grains of the sugar scrub away flakes and dead skin cells.
If possible, use demerara, a dark sugar with large granules.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Gregory Chandler, Apple-Cider Vinegar for Insect Bites

Apple-Cider vinegar is a must-have for cooking and first aid. Earlier, I wrote about the use of Apple-Cider vinegar in athlete's foot control. Another use for Apple-Cider vinegar is for relief from insect bites.
Dab the Apple-Cider vinegar onto each insect bite with a paper towel. The acidity of the Apple-Cider vinegar can help reduce the swelling and curb your urge to scratch the bite area.
Gregory Chandler, Esq.


I often write about consuming olive oil. However, olive oil also has some topical uses as a skin cream. Olive oil closely resembles the natural oils found in the body. These oils can be stripped away by harsh soaps and dry heat.
To get the beneficial results of olive oil, smooth a few drops onto your palm and rub it into your skin to soften rough spots and form a protective moisture barrier.

Monday, October 31, 2011


One home remedy for minor wounds is honey. Honey, as a healing agent, has been backed by scientific research. Honey deprives bacteria of the water it needs to multiply. One can apply honey to a minor wound. The next step is to cover the minor wound with a bandage.
Gregory Chandler

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Apple cider vinegar is helpful for athlete's foot relief. A mixture of one part vinegar and three parts water can kill the fungi that cause many foot infections. For athlete's foot relief, one can soak the feet in the mixture for five minutes.

Gregory Chandler on Skin Burn Relief

Milk is the answer if you want you want skin burn relief without taking time off for a trip to the drug store. One can dip a clean washcloth into a bowl of cool milk and dab it on the burned areas. The coolness of the milk can help reduce swelling and milk's lactic acid has anti-inflammatory properties. The next step is to rinse the milk off the skin with cold water.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Those wanting a break from mainstream vegatables may want to consider habanero. Habanero is sweeter, fruiter, and hotter than jalapeno peppers. The habanero is also rich in vitamin C and capsaicin. According to researchers, vitamin C and capsaicin may help lower blood pressure.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Gregory Chandler - KOHLRABI

Kohlrabi is similar to kale, but sweeter tasting. Kohlrabi has 93 percent of the recommended dietary allowance of vitamin C in 1 cup. Kohlrabi contains glucosinolates, potent antioxidants that fight prostrate cancer.
Kohlrabi can be eaten raw or cooked.
Gregory Chandler

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Gregory Chandler - Compression Clothing

One method of relief from sore muscles is compression clothing. Individuals who wear compression clothing after a workout had less muscle soreness after a one to three day period over those who wore looser clothing according to The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
It is thought that compression clothing helps decrease swelling and increase blood flow. Both a decrease in swelling and an increase in blood flow benefit recovery.
Compression clothing may be over garments or undergarments. One may note that many National Basketball Association players wear compression shorts underneath their basketball shorts.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Tomatillos

In a quest for more vegetable intake, one can consider tomatillos. Tomatillos have a papery husk. Research has shown that tomatillos can help fight cancer. The vegetable is high in compounds that may help fight colon cancer.
Tomatillos have a tangy taste. The vegetable may be consumed raw in salsa or cooked into foods.
Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law

Monday, October 17, 2011

Gregory Chandler - Peruvian Purple Potato

One potato that is not well known is the Peruvian Purple Potato. This potato contains anthocyanins, the same brain-boosting antioxidants found in blueberries.
To preserve the potato's antioxidants, it is best that they are steamed.
Gregory Chandler

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Tatsoi

Tatsoi is vegetable that is new to most consumers in the United States. Tatsoi was first cultivated in China. Tatsoi is a leafy green vegetable. Tatsoi is a crucifer in the manner of the more well known broccoli. Tatsoi is thought to contain powerful cancer-fighting phytonutrients.
Tatsoi may be eaten raw in salads. Tatsoi may also be cooked in the manner of spinach.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Over Processed Chocolate

Studies have found that the benefits of chocolate decrease the more the cocoa is processed. Processing decreased the procyanidin levels in chocolate. For example, milk chocolate, which contains fewer cocoa solids, has low procyanidin levels. Baking chocolate and chocolate that has been alkalinized, also have lower procyandidin amounts.
The result is that dark chocolate is healthier than types of chocolate that have been subjected to more processing.
Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Gregory Chandler on the Health Benefits of Chocolate

If you like chocolate, good news. Moderate chocolate consumption is a good thing. Chocolate is especially good if you eat the dark kind.
Antioxidant benefits: A number of studies show that dark chocolate with a high cocoa content packs a great antioxidant punch. Cocoa powder and chocolate are derived from beans that contain high levels of flavonoids, which are natural antioxidants. Cocoa itself has the highest content of an antioxidant called procyanidin. These antioxidants are believed to help fight cancer, stroke, and heart disease.
Research has shown that chocolate's antioxidant effects can also be good for your heart. In one study, people who ate dark chocolate with a high concentration of cocoa powder reported lower levels of negative LDL cholesterol, higher levels of good HDL cholesterol, and higher blood antioxidant levels.
Blood pressure benefits: Cocoa may also reduce blood clotting, similar to the effects of aspirin, and stabilize arterial plaque, which makes plaque less likely to travel through the bloodstream and cause a heart attack or stroke. But unlike aspirin, researchers believe that procyanidins can also increase production of nitric oxide, keeping arteries flexible and improving blood flow.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Swimming

Late Summer is here and it is time to do some not so frequent physical activities.

Late week--being in vacation mode--I went swimming. I was reminded of the fact that swimming uses the muscles in a different manner than other cardiovascular activities.

My suggestion is to take in some swimming from time to time and use the body in a different manner.


Sunday, August 7, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Summertime Salt Intake

This is the dead of summer. Please note that most people do not need to increase his or her salt (sodium) intake during the summertime. This is because most people already consume more salt than the body needs.

It is wise to consult with a nutritionist or medical doctor before consuming extra salt.

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law

Monday, July 25, 2011

Gregory Chandler -- Docosahexaenoic Acid

Researchers have opined that healthy people with memory complaints and those with Alzheimer's disease both tend to have low levels of the omega-3 DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).

In one study, 485 otherwise healthy adults aged at least 55, with impaired memory, took 900 mg of DHA per day or a placebo.

After six months, while the placebo group had not improved, those who had taken DHA had better memory and learning compared to the start of the study and made fewer errors on memory and learning tests compared to the placebo group.

Researchers also found that DHA levels had doubled in the DHA group, and memory improved as DHA levels increased.

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Red yeast rice provides helpful mono and polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as proteins, amino acids and phytonutrients.

Recently, there has been some research that red yeast rice has cardiovascular benefits. More research needs to be conducted before red yeast rice is viewed as a worthwhile supplement for cardiovascular benefits.

Gregory Chandler

Saturday, July 23, 2011


It is wise to look for supplements that support joint health. Collagen is a protein that provides elasticity and strength throughout the body. Collagen dietary supplements provide the building blocks for producing new collagen to maintain strength and flexibility of skin, vessels, cartilage, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons.

One can look for collagen at retailers such as GNC.


Friday, July 22, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Milk Thistle

Individuals with a concern for liver function may consider supplementing with milk thistle. Milk thistle contains bioflavonoids--powerful antioxidants in the liver that exert a protective effect against substances that may be potentially harmful to the liver.

Milk thistle is often used by individuals who take substantial amounts of medications. Bodybuilders often consume milk thistle to protect against supplements such as anabolic steroids.

Gregory Chandler

Thursday, July 21, 2011


Researchers in one study said that impaired blood flow to the ear may be one of the main causes of ringing in the ears known as tinnitus.

Doctors examined 82 people with mild to moderate tinnitus that began for no apparent reason and had persisted in one ear for at least two weeks. Participants were not dizzy and did not have significant hearing loss.

Twenty-four people took 150 mg of Pycnogenol per day, 34 took 100 mg per day, and 24 took no treatment. The three groups were similar in sex and age.

After four weeks, while there were no changes in the non-treatment group, both Pycnogenol groups had much better blood flow to the ear and reported far less severe symptoms. The higher dose group improved more in both measures than the lower dose group.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Gregory Chanlder -- Hyaluronic Acid for Joint Lubrication

I often write about supplementing with oils such as flaxseed oil or fish oil for joint lubrication.

Another means to lubricate the joints is with hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is used to support joint and skin health. HA, a gel-like substance is found in connective tissue such as skin and cartilage. The synovial fluid that protects our joints is largely made up of HA and acts as a lubricant, shock absorber and nutrient carrier.

HA may support healthy joint lubrication, help maintain smooth, healthy skin and may support wound healing and eye health.

By age 50, most individuals are estimated to have less than half the level of HA as a 20 year old. One can supplement with HA to restore youthful levels.


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Cirsium oligophyllum

When choosing a thermogenic (fat burner), look for a product that contains Cirsium oligophyllum. Compared to a control group, Cirsium oligophyllum has been shown to reduce fat mass and especially subcutaneious fat. Cirsium oligophyllum has been shown to work synergistically with caffeine. In fact, the potency of caffeine and Cirsium oligophyllum combined was nearly was nearly 10 times greater than Cirsium oligophyllum alone in one study.



The "bad" cholesterol, LDL comes in large and small particles. Large LDL particles are relatively benign, but small LDL particles can more easily oxidize and stick to artery linings, forming hardened plaques. Researchers wanted to explore a link between B vitamins and LDL particle size.

In one study, researchers measured levels of blood fats and folate (a B-vitamin) in 225 hospital workers. Scientists found a strong link: as blood levels of folate rose, LDL particle size increased; HDL, the "good" cholesterol, also increased; and triglycerides decreased.

Researchers believe folate may help enhance and control LDL particle size, reducing chances of hardening of the arteries.



I often change my antioxidants from time to time to expose my body to different nutrients. I understand that grape seed extract is an antioxidant that benefits the cardiovascular system.
I will do more research on grape seed extract and I will later write about this supplement.



Researchers have concluded that supplementation with branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) may help fight obesity. BCAAs are the amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine.

Researchers in a study measured the diets of 4,429 Asian, European, and U. S. men and women, aged 40 to 59, who were free of diabetes.

Compared to those with the least BCAAs in the diet, those with the highest levels were 30% less likely to be obese.

According to the researchers, leucine stimulates the anti-hunger hormone leptin and promotes insulin secretion, lowering blood sugar.

Isoleucine stabilizes and regulates blood sugar and, together with valine, helps repair muscle tissue and increase energy.

BCAAs are found in many plant and animal based foods and the estimated average daily requirement for adults, per pound of body weight is, 15 mg of leucine, 7 mg of isoleucine, and 9 mg of valine.

BCAAs may be purchased at most drug stores.



Individuals who want to purchase a thermongenic (fat burner) may want to consider products that contain bacopa monnieri. Extracts from bacopa monnieri have been shown to increase thyroid hormone production naturally. In one study, the thyroid hormone T4 increased by 41% compared to controls. However, because there was no increase in negative hormones, the researchers concluded that bacopa monnieri extract directly stimulates the release of T4 from the thyroid gland.

Gregory Chandler


Bitter orange is a compound used in many weight loss products. Bitter orange contains alkaloids that directly stimulate the body's beta-3 receptors. These receptors act like sparks that ignite one's metabolic rate and energy levels to help increase fat burning. Bitter orange also indirectly helps release body fat by stimulating the body's powerful natural fat burners, epinephrine and nor-epinephrine.

When reading the label on weight loss products, one can see if a weight loss product contains bitter orange.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Gregory Chandler -- Magnesium and Heart Health

I often write about the supplement ZMA. Of course the "M" in ZMA stands for magnesium. Magnesium helps the heart maintain its normal rhythm. Researchers in one study measured the diets of 88,375 women who were disease-free at the start of the study, and followed up for 26 years. Researchers also measured blood levels of magnesium in 99 women who had a fatal heart attack during this time, and compared them to 291 women in the study of similar age, ethnicity, smoking habits, and cardiovascular condition who did not have a heart attack.

Women with the highest magnesium levels were 37% less likely to have a fatal heart attack than those with the lowest levels. Researchers also found a direct link: each 0.25 mg increase in magnesium per deciliter of blood meant a 41% lower chance of heart attack.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Bauhinia purpurea as a Thermogenic

Bauhinia purpurea has great possibilities as a thermogenic (fat burner). Due to many factors such as stress, dieting, and overtraining, many individuals may have impaired conversion of the thyroid hormone T4 to the active version T3. An extract from the plant Bauhinia purpurea has been shown in healthy adult animal models to increase T4 by 37 % compared to controls while increasing T3 by an amazing 83%. Increasing thyroid hormone is important because it is known to increase the release of fat into the bloodstream where it can be burned as fuel.

One can look for supplements that contain Bauhinia purpurea at retailers such as GNC.



Glutathione is one of the body's most powerful self-generated antioxidants. Glutathione is found in almost all living cells and plays an important role in immune function and detoxification.

The recommended daily dose is 250 mg.

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law


Researchers in one study inform that the body releases the hormone cortisol to respond to stress, but when cortisol levels remain high, the body can become unhealthy.

Researchers asked 44 healthy men and women, average age 34, to maintain their diet and exercise routines while taking omega-3s consisting of 1,600 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) plus 800 mg of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) per day, or a placebo.

After six weeks, compared to placebo, the omega-3 group had much lower levels of cortisol, much less fat mass and more lean muscle mass.

Gregory Chandler

Gregory Chandler -- Lycopene and Heart Health

In one heart health study, 126 healthy men, average age 34, took 6 mg of the antioxidant lycopene per day, 15 mg of lycopene per day or a placebo.

After eight weeks, antioxidant activity in the blood increased in both lycopene groups, and decreased for the placebo group.

In the high-dose lycopene group, there was less DNA damage, better blood vessel flexibility, and a beneficial increase in size of LDL cholesterol particles compared to the other two groups.

In addition, systolic blood pressure, and high sensitivity C-reactive protein--a sign of inflammation--declined significantly in the high-dose lycopene group.

Lycopene is the bright red carotenoid pigment found in red fruits and vegetables like tomatoes.


Gregory Chandler -- Caffeine as a Thermogenic

Those who seek fat burning should consider caffeine supplementation. Caffeine is often noted
for its ability to increase resting energy expenditure while also increasing lipolysis and lipid oxidation. In addition, caffeine is known for its ability to increase feelings of energy, alertness, concentration and euphoria.


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Gregory Chandler -- Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is known as the universal antioxidant. ALA is both fat-and water- soluble. As a result, ALA provides protection for a wide range of body systems. Researchers believe that ALA helps shift glucose into muscles and away from fat cells, increasing energy and reducing stored fat.

In one study, scientists gave 1,127 overweight or obese males and females 800 mg of ALA per day. After four months, average blood pressure had declined significantly.

Participants also had an average of two to four points lower body mass index scores. Obese women lost an average of 3.5 inches in waist size and obese men 4.3 inches in waist size.


Gregory Chandler - Geranium

When looking for a thermogenic (fat burner) one would be wise to look for a
supplement containing geranium. Geranium has been used for centuries as a food
additive and many cultures consume it as part of a regular diet. One component of
geranium is 1,3 Dimethylamylamine which is a compound that mimics norepinephrine
and therefore boosts fat burning.


Sunday, July 3, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Endurance Benefits of Quercetin

Quercetin, a flavonoid found in onions and apples, has been shown to increase the number of mitochondria in muscle cells. Mitochondria are the power plants inside cells that convert food into energy.

In a study performed at the University of South Carolina, mice that were given quercetin were able to run significantly longer than mice given a placebo. Quercetin may be helpful in boosting endurance for sports or training.

A good dose of quercetin is 500 milligrams twice a day with meals.


Friday, July 1, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Casein Hydrolysate

Most casein protein is manufactured as a protein that is medium lasting or long lasting in the body. For example, caseinate protein lasts a medium amount of time in the body. Micellar casein lasts a long time in the body.

Casein hydrolysate is manufactured in a manner that breaks down the casein protein to form shorter protein chains. The result is that casein hydrolysate is digested faster than other forms of casein protein. I would suggest that casein hydrolysate be used in the manner of whey protein. If one chooses to supplement with casein hydrolysate, it should be used before or after a workout in the manner of whey protein.


Thursday, June 30, 2011


Caseinate protein powders are made via the addition of calcium, sodium or potassium. Caseinates typically contain greater than 90 percent protein and are the most soluble form of
casein protein.

Caseinate protein is a medium speed form of casein protein. Therefore, one can take caseinate protein during the day.

Gregory Chandler

Gregory Chandler -- Water for Fat Burning

Drinking just two cups of water between meals may boost the amount of calories one burns by 30 percent. This is the conclusion published in the journal Obesity. Subjects who consumed this amount of water lost 16 pounds in 12 weeks.

Those who do not want to drink water, may consume an 8-ounce glass of grapefruit juice daily. Yet another alternative is eating one-and-a-half grapefruits daily. The grapefruit drinking or eating may help one lose 4 to 10 pounds in 12 weeks according to a 2006 study in Journal of Medicinal Food.


Gregory Chandler on Micellar Casein


I often write about casein protein. Today I write about a type of casein called micellar casein. Micellar casein's manufacturing process makes it the slowest-digesting casein protein.

I recommend taking micellar casein before bedtime. Since micellar casein is a slow digesting protein, the body will have a protein supply during the nighttime sleep period.

Those who do not want liquids at nighttime can mix the casein protein with some yogurt.

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler on Glutamine's Impact on Growth Hormone

Glutamine is the most prevalent amino acid in the human body. Glutamine
performs numerous functions. Glutamine is well known as an immune system booster. Research has demonstrated that glutamine boosts growth hormone
levels in the period after supplementation.

It is recommended that one take 5 grams of glutamine up to four times a day. The most crucial times for supplementation are before workouts and before bedtime. Other goods time to take glutamine are upon rising and after training.

I recommend taking glutamine peptide because regular glutamine is poorly
absorbed in the body.

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler -- Macuna Pruriens

Macuna Pruriens is an herb that researchers believe promotes growth hormone. Macuna Pruriens is also known as cowhage or velvet bean. This herb provides the amino acid
L-dopa which converts to dopamine. Dopamine is the chemical responsible for proper brain function.

Dopamine helps prevent muscles from becoming overly tense or trembling or twitching during
and after workouts. In addition, Macuna Pruriens contains secretagogues that boost the natural release of growth hormone.

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Gregory Chandler -- Yohimbine

Yohimbine comes from the bark of the Pausinystalia yohimbe tree. Yohimbine reduces body fat by inhibiting the receptors on fat cells that limit the amount of fat that can be removed from fat stores. Stored body fat must first be liberated before it can be burned. Taking yohimbine helps free up fat so that other supplements can burn the fat more effectively.

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler -- Caffeine as a Fat Burner

Many individuals regard caffeine as a stimulant. A lesser known use of caffeine is as a fat burner. Caffeine binds to receptors on fat cells so more fat is released from fat stores. In addition, caffeine boosts metabolic rate, allowing more total calories to be burned.



Synephrine is an extract from the citrus aurantium plant. Synephrine
eliminates fat from fat stores and also increases fat metabolism.
An additional benefit is that this supplement tends to reduce appetite.

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler -- Fiber on the Digestive Process

Those individuals seeking to aid the digestive process should make sure that fiber is consumed.
When one consumes plenty of fiber, it helps rid the body of unwanted matters. This cleaning of the body helps in the absorption of vitamins and minerals. Fiber also reduces the impact that sugars have on insulin levels and can lower cholesterol.


Gregory Chandler -- Arginine and Growth Hormone

Arginine is best known for boosting nitric-oxide production. In addition, research shows that supplementing with arginine also boosts growth hormone levels. Growth hormone levels are increased because arginine reduces growth hormone-inhibiting hormone.

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Gregory Chandler -- Ornithine

Ornithine is a nonessential amino acid that the body produces from arginine, another amino acid. Similar to arginine, ornithine helps reduce the release of growth hormone-inhibiting hormone, allowing the body to produce more growth hormone.

Gregory Chandler


Soy protein is known to boost growth hormone levels. Soy protein is especially high in arginine and lysine, two amino acids associated with higher growth hormone levels. Researchers have demonstrated that taking soy protein leads to a greater growth hormone response than taking a comparable amount of arginine and lysine, which means there is another component to soy protein that makes it extra beneficial.


Gregory Chandler -- Carnitine

I give another suggestion to boost growth hormone levels. Carnitine is an amino acid that can help boost natural growth hormone levels. I would also suggest that one take carnitine with ornithine, another amino acid.

It is suggested that one take carnitine on an empty stomach.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Gregory Chandler - GABA for Growth Hormone Stimulation

A modified amino acid, gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) works as a neurotransmitter, affecting the pituitary gland, affecting the pituitary gland, where growth hormone is produced.

GABA binds to receptors on the pituitary gland, stimulating the release of growth hormone.

A good starting dosage in 2 grams one hour before bedtime.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

Gregory Chandler -- Chocolate Milk


Two recent studies from the University of Texas at Austin (UT) show that chocolate milk is an excellent post-workout recovery drink.

Serious and amateur athletes alike enjoyed physical recovery benefits when they drank
low-fat chocolate milk after a vigorous workout, said researchers at UT. The advantages for the study participants were improved body composition in the form of more muscle and less fat, improved times while working out and overall better physical shape than peers who consumed sports beverages that just contained carbohydrates.

In two recent related studies, UT researchers compared the recovery benefits of drinking low-fat chocolate milk after exercise to the effects of a carbohydrate beverage with the same ingredients and calories as typical sports drinks as well as to a calorie-free beverage.

After riding a bike for 90 minutes at a moderate intensity, then for 10 minutes of high intensity intervals, 10 trained cyclists had significantly more power and rode faster (reduced their ride time by an average of six minutes) when they consumed low-fat chocolate milk rather than a carbohydrate sports drink or calorie-free beverage.

Compared to the other recovery drinks, chocolate milk drinkers had twice the improvement in maximal oxygen uptake after four and a half weeks of cycling, which included intense exercise five days a week, with each exercise session followed by one of the three recovery beverages. Maximal oxygen uptake is one indicator of an athlete's aerobic endurance and ability to perform sustained exercise. The study included 32 healthy, amateur male and female cyclists.

The UT research also revealed that low-fat chocolate milk drinkers built more muscle and shaved off more fat during training, ending up with a three-pound lean muscle advantage after four and a half weeks of training as compared to study participants who consumed a carbohydrate drink. The UT study also included 32 healthy, amateur male and female cyclists who rode for one hour, five days a week, and drank one of the three recovery beverages immediately following and one hour after the exercise session.

The UT researchers do not understand exactly what mechanism is causing low-fat chocolate milk to give athletes advantages. The UT researchers think the protein and carbohydrate mix gives the benefits.


Gregory Chandler on BCAAs ratio

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are crucial for multiple body functions related to performance and muscle building. For maximum results, seek out BCAA products that contain a ratio of 2:1:1 of leucine, isoleucine, and valine. Of course, leucine is the king of the three BCAAs.

One can take 5 to 10 grams of BCAAs before and after workouts.


Gregory Chandler, Attorney, on Fenugreek

Fenugreek is a herb with numerous health benefits. The most notable benefit is the ability to increase the release of insulin. After a workout, the body can use insulin because insulin is a powerful anabolic hormone. Fenugreek also helps elevate testosterone by increasing luteinizing hormone, which stimulates testosterone production.

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law


According to the Journal of Pain, ginger may relieve muscle soreness. The September 2010 issue of the journal reports a study on ginger. For the study, 74 volunteers consumed 2 grams of raw or heated ginger or a placebo for 11 days, and during the same period, they performed 18 negative repetitions of a bicep curl to induce pain and inflammation. At the end of the study, researchers found that the ginger, whether raw or heated, reduced muscle pain by about 25 percent 24 hours after workouts.


Gregory Chandler on Eurycoma Longfolia

Eurycoma Longfolia is a herb that is believed to free up bound testosterone so that muscle tissue can use testosterone more effectively. The results is more usable testosterone in the body.

Take 300 milligrams per day for up to 5 days in a week. Take the supplement for up to 8 weeks. After 8 weeks of usage, cycle off for at least two weeks. After two weeks off, repeat the cycle.

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law

Friday, June 24, 2011

Gregory Chandler - Probiotics for Digestion

Individuals who want to assist the digestive process should consider supplementing with probiotics. Probiotics live in the digestive tract. Probiotics help break down the foods consumed so that the foods can be better absorbed. Probiotics can help your body consume milk or other foods that you have trouble digesting and can aid immunity.

Gregory Chandler

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Digestive enzymes help break down foods throughout the digestive tract, making nutrients easier to absorb. Choose supplements that contain a mix of enzymes, including those that break down protein (proteases, peptidase, pepsin, trypsin, bromelain and papain), carbohydrates (lactase, amylase, glucoamylase, alpha galactosidase, cellulase and invertase) and fats (lipase), as well as pancreatin,
which contains a blend of enzymes that work on proteins, carbohydrates and fats.


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Olive Oil


I often write about supplementing the diet with oils. Olive oil is a helpful supplement. Olive oil helps the body burn fat, optimize metabolism and improve oxidative stress on the heart. These health benefits are published in the October 2010 issue of Nutrition Journal. Researchers suggest that olive oil's phenolic compounds, specifically oleuropein and caffeic acid may be responsible for the mentioned health benefits.


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Gregory Chandler - Fluoroquinoiones

Fluoroquinoiones are a class of antibiotics that are often prescribed for upper
respiratory, intestinal and urinary-tract infections. Fluoroquinoiones, however,
have been linked to serious tendon injuries.

You are at greatest risk when combining these antibiotics with high impact
activities such as heavy weight lifting and sprinting.

If your medical doctor prescribes antibiotics, ask him or her what class of
antibiotics are being prescribed.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Gregory Chandler - Glutamine

By Gregory Chandler

Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in the blood and muscles. Glutamine stimulates the synthesis and inhibits the degradation of proteins. Glutamine is a carrier of nitrogen and has been called the "nitrogen shuttle." Research suggests that glutamine, when taken post exercise, stimulates glycogen resynthesis. Many people who exercise or train frequently and do not take glutamine post exercise have been shown to have low plasma levels of glutamine. Several hours of recovery are required before normal plasma levels are restored, and if not fully restored before your next training session can lead to overtraining.

Other types of metabolic stress such as illness, inflammation, injury, infection and surgery can deplete glutamine reserves, which is why glutamine is considered a conditionally essential amino acid and must be obtained from the diet. Glutamine works synergistically with insulin to hydrate the cells, which makes supplementing with glutamine and carbohydrate immediately after exercise critical.

I would suggest a minimum of 5 grams of glutamine after exercise.


Gregory Chandler - B vitamins

By Gregory Chandler

B vitamins are important for energy, metabolic functions, red blood cell formation and division, insulin sensitivity, detoxification, mood enhancement, as well as many other critical processes.

B complex vitamin supplementation has been recommended to help with pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS), insulin sensitivity, alcohol addiction, depression and high blood pressure. Women of child-bearing age should take folic acid daily, and Niacin (B-3) is being used to help reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. A quality multi-vitamin will have an appropriate balance of B vitamins.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Gregory Chandler on Vitamin C

Vitamin C is present in every cell of the body. It provides antioxidant protection by neutralizing free radicals. Vitamin C can regenerate Vitamin E and is also important in collagen synthesis, carnitine synthesis, immune function energy metabolism, and many other important functions in the body. Vitamin C is water soluble and may be lost from the body at higher volumes during times of stress.


Sunday, June 12, 2011


Chitosan is an indigestible fiber derived from shellfish. When taken before or during a meal, it forms a gel, which binds to dietary fats. This process prevents the normal breakdown of fat, allowing the fat to pass through the body unabsorbed. One can take chitosan before eating to ward off fat intake.


Monday, June 6, 2011

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on the Risk Factors for Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis (TB) is attempting to make a comeback in the United States of America. Some people are more likely to be exposed to TB, or more likely to get infected if they are exposed. The following persons or groups are at higher risk than the general population of exposure and/or infection with TB.

1. Close contacts of a person with active untreated TB,

2. Foreign-born persons from areas of the world with high rates of TB: Asia, Africa, South America and Central America, and the Caribbean.

3. People who live in group environments such as long-term care facilities, homeless shelters, hotels for the indigent, prisons, and jails.

4. Homeless persons,

5. Injecting drug users and alcoholics,

6. The elderly,

7. HIV infected or otherwise having a compromised immune system including persons with
cancers of the blood or lymph, insulin-dependent diabetes, silicosis of the lung, dialysis
patients, children under 4 years of age, malnourished individuals and people who
receive chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and cortisone drugs,

8. Health care workers,

9. Persons who have converted his or her PPD test within the past two years.

If you are in one or more of the listed groups, make sure you undergo a TB test.


Sunday, June 5, 2011

Gregory Chandler on L-Carnitine

L-carnitine is an amino acid that is synthesized in the body from the amino acids lysine and methionine. L-carnitine is a popular supplement that not only promotes growth and development, but is also used for fat-burning, increasing energy, and improving resistance to muscle fatigue. It is great when dieting, as it reduces feelings of hunger. L-carnitine has also been shown to help build muscle and treat some forms of cardiovascular disease.

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Cocao

Cacao is the tropical fruit that yields cocao. Cacao contains polyphenolics that act as powerful antioxidants that can support muscle recovery and circulatory health. Some of these polyphenolics also promote vasodilation of the blood vessels by supporting the nitric oxide system. Dark chocolate foods provide circulation support because of their higher content of polyphenolics, which can make these foods a little bitter.

Look for chocolate products calling which contain a high percentage of cacao or cocoa.


Gregory Chandler on Branched-Chain Amino Acids

Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs) are a category of amino acids that need to be obtained through the diet (called essential amino acids), as the human body does not produce them. The BCAAs are leucine, isoleucine and valine. The most important of the three is leucine. The combination of these three essential amino acids makes up approximately one-third of the skeletal muscle in the human body. In order to get energy, the body can actually break down skeletal muscle to get these BCAAs. Therefore, by supplementing with BCAAs during or after a workout, muscles and other tissues are spared from the wrong type of muscle breakdown.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Chitosan is an indigestible fiber derived from shellfish. When taken before or during a meal, chitosan forms a gel-like substance. The gel-like substance binds to dietary fats in the body. This process prevents the normal breakdown of fat, allowing it to pass through the body unabsorbed.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Gregory Chandler on 7-Keto DHEA as a Fat Burner

An effective fat burner is 7-Keto DHEA. 7-Keto DHEA works to increase metabolic rate without the use of stimulants. 7-Keto DHEA is produced naturally in the body, but declines significantly after age 30. By age 40, it is less than half of what it was at age 20. Two clinical studies support the evidence that 7-Keto DHEA appears to regulate fat burning in the body.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Gregory Chandler - Cinnamon

The common spice cinnamon should be used by the fitness conscious. Cinnamon contains free-radical fighting antioxidants. In addition, as little as a half-teaspoon of cinnamon a day has been shown to enhance insulin sensitivity. The enhancement of insulin sensitivity helps to keep blood sugar levels low which prevents unwanted weight gain.

Cinnamon can be consumed in the form that comes in the spice container. For a more powerful dose of cinnamon, I recommend cinnamon extract. Cinnamon extract can be found in many nutritional supplement stores.

Gregory Chandler

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Chromium for Insulin Function

Those individuals who want to improve insulin function may supplement with chromium.
Chromium is a trace mineral that supports healthy insulin function which helps regulate blood sugar.

Chromium may be purchased at most nutrition supplement retailers.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Glutamine supplementation may boost growth hormone. Growth hormone is one of the body's most anabolic hormones. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported a whopping 440% increase in growth hormone after taking glutamine. In turn, growth hormone may promote greater muscle growth and the preferential use of the body fat stores for energy.


Gregory Chandler - Glycerin as a Blood Flow Agent

Many individuals are concerned with increasing blood flow before working out. Some knowledgeable individuals use glycerin as a blood pumping agent. If you read supplement labels, you will notice that many manufactures use glycerin in products that are designed to promote blood flow.

One can locate some pharmaceutical-grade glycerin. Glycerin is extremely syrupy and very sweet. To load with glycerin, one can take 100 milliliters with 20 ounces of water. As one adapts to glycerin, larger doses may be consumed. Take the glycerin approximately 1 hours before working out.

Gregory Chandler

Monday, May 16, 2011

Gregory Chandler - COQ-10 for Hearth Health

A study in the European Heart Journal showed that COQ-10 strengthens the heart. The team studied 23 patients, average age 59 years, with moderate to severe heart failure. The test patients were assigned four weeks each of oral COQ-10 supplements or inactive placebo pills with or without supervised exercise training five times per week.

Supplementation with COQ-10 lead to an improvement in peak exercise capacity and cardiac function without any side effects.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Astragalus

Astragalus is an herb that may help stimulate the immune system. Little research has been conducted to verify if astragalus is of much assistance to the immune system. Several components of astragalus have been identified as potential active compounds, including saponins, flavonoids, polysaccharides and glycosides. These compounds may boost the immune system.

Your best best for immune system health is using supplements such as glutamine and arginine. Research shows that these amino acids usually boost the immune system.


Gregory Chandler on Casein Protein

Casein (pronounced kay-seen) is often thought of as the bedtime protein. Casein is often taken at bedtime because it is a long lasting protein. Casein is made by separating the casein from the whey in dairy (milk protein is 80 percent casein and 20 percent whey). There are three main types of casein protein: micellar casein, milk protein isolate casein, and calcium caseinate.

The research shows that when casein protein is consumed, one will reach a peak in blood amino acids and protein synthesis between three to four hours. The total release of amino acids in the bloodstream, however, can last as long as seven hours after ingestion of casein protein. Casein protein's slow acting process in the reverse of whey protein because whey protein is metabolized quickly. This is why whey protein is recommended immediately after training and as the first protein consumed upon waking.

Besides its slow digesting benefits, casein is invaluable for its high amount of the amino acid glutamine. It should be noted that whey protein contains glutamic acid rather than glutamine. Glutamic acid, found in whey protein, is a less valuable form of glutamine. Of all the proteins available, casein has the highest concentration of glutamine. Glutamine provides a multitude of functions, which include increasing levels of the branched chain amino acid leucine in muscle fibers. This process enhances protein synthesis and muscle growth. Because the immune system require glutamine to function, consuming extra glutamine prevents the immune system from taking it from muscle fibers, further prevents catabolism. In addition, glutamine also boosts growth hormone levels.

I would suggest taking casein protein before bedtime. For those who do not like to consume substantial amounts of liquids before bedtime, casein protein powder may be mixed with yogurt and a small amount of liquid.


Gregory Chandler on Lycopene

Lycopene is an antioxidant extracted from tomato and helps neutralize free radicals. Research suggests that lycopene can promote cardiovascular and prostate health.

Gregory Chandler

Gregory Chandler - Blueberry Health Benefits

Blueberries have many health benefits. According to research, blueberries have the following benefits:

1. Blueberries are essentially fat free.
2. Blueberries are high in anti-oxidants.
3. Blueberries lower bad cholesterol levels.
4. Blueberries help control glucose.
5. Blueberries help fight colon cancer and liver cancer.
6. Blueberries help present Alzheimer's and improve memory.
7. Blueberries help to improve eyesight and prevent age-related loss of vision.
8. Blueberries stop bacteria from lining bladder walls, which helps prevent urinary tract infections.


Saturday, May 14, 2011


Bovine colostrum is a supplement that most individuals are not aware of. Bovine colostrum is the premilk fluid of cows produced within the first 12 hours of giving birth before lactation begins. The supplement is rich in bovine antibodies, immune supporters and growth factors.

Gregory Chandler

Gregory Chandler - Calcium for Fat Reduction

Researchers have studied the relationship between calcium intake and body fat. Owing to changes in a hormone called calcitriol, it has been theorized that ingesting extra calcium might increase fat utilization and decrease the formation of body fat.

A recent study from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville found that subjects who followed a 12-week diet plan that included extra calcium (1,100 mg per day) from yogurt had greater decreases in trunk fat and waist circumference, and lost less lean mass than control subjects.

Although research is still mixed on the effects of calcium and weight loss, there is no known adverse effect acknowledged from consuming a modest amount of additional calcium.


Friday, May 13, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Chitosan fiber

Chitosan is an indigestible fiber derived from shellfish. When chitosan is taken before or during a meal, it forms a gel, which binds to dietary fats. This action prevents the normal breakdown of fat, allowing the fat to pass through the body unabsorbed.

Gregory Chandler

Gregory Chandler on Vinpocetine

Vinpocetine is a derivative of vincamine, a key component of the Lesser Periwinkle plant. Research suggests vinpocetine may improve cognitive performance and help with short-term memory loss that may occur with stress or aging. Animal studies have shown that vinpocetine significantly increases circulatory parameters including total cerebral blood flow.


Gregory Chandler - Phosphatidylserine

Phosphatidylserine (PS) has been researched to help reduce cortisol. The stress hormone cortisol is produced during strenuous physical exercise and can break down muscle tissue. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, nine cyclists were given either 400 mg or 800 mg of PS per day for 10 days. After the 10 days, they came to the lab where they rode a bicycle ergometer for 20 minutes to exhaustion. Analysis of blood samples taken during exercise showed that 800 mg of PS lowered the stress hormone cortisol 30% more than placebo.


Thursday, May 12, 2011


Glutamine supplementation may boost growth hormone. Growth hormone is one of the body's most anabolic hormones. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported a whopping 440% increase in growth hormone after taking glutamine. In turn, growth hormone may promote greater muscle growth and the preferential use of the body fat stores for energy.



When one exercises, the body burns glucose and glycogen for energy. This burning of glucose and glycogen produces lactic acid. When left unchecked, lactic acid can make the muscles so acidic that they no longer contract. Glutamine plays a vital role in regulating the body's acid-base balance. Glutamine helps produce bicarbonate ions that neutralize lactic acid. Adequate amounts of glutamine may allow one to train longer and achieve greater exercise intensity.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Ubiquinol

Some readers have asked for more information on Ubiquinol (COQ-10).

For more information, go to


Tuesday, May 10, 2011



Probiotics are live microorganisms similar to the beneficial ones naturally found in the human gut. Probiotics are also known as friendly or good bacteria and generally come from two groups, Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium.

Within each species are diferent strains, or varieties, such as L.acidophilus and B. longum that impart benefits to the small or large intestine.

Probiotics help restore the body's friendly bacteria and help crowd out unfriendly bacteria and yeast. This intestinal balance helps your digestive system work smoothly and helps your immune system fight off the growth of harmful bacteria.

Taking probiotics can replace beneficial bacteria lost by antibiotic use, poor dietary habits, or other health conditions.


Sunday, May 8, 2011

Gregory Chandler


Gregory Chandler on Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis (OA) impacts the lives of millions of people in the United States. According to research tumeric, pycnogenol, and vitamin D are helpful in combating OA.

Researchers in an OA study said that long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) for pain can cause serious side effects. After stopping pain medication for a week, 107 people, aged at least 50, with pain and stiffness from OA of the knee, took 400 mg of ibuprofen twice per day or 500 mg of tumeric curcuminoids four times per day. After six weeks, neither group had serious side effects and the tumeric group had less pain than the ibuprofen group when climbing stairs.

In a separate OA study, 50 people with OA took 200 mg a day of a complex of curcumin and phosphatidylcholine or a placebo. After three months, while the placebo group showed modest improvement, the curcumin group reported 58 percent better symptom scores, and had a fourfold increase in the distance they could walk on a treadmill at a slight incline, adding about 839 feet. In a subgroup with inflammation, levels of inflammatory C-reactive protein decreased 93 percent among those who took curcumin.

Researchers in an inflammation study explained that pycnogenol works differently than NSAIDS to reduce pain. Six healthy participants took 150 mg of pycnogenol per day for five days. Blood samples taken before and after supplementation showed that pycnogenol blocked two pro-inflammatory enzymes scientists believe are the root cause of inflammatory pain.

In yet another OA study, researchers measured vitamin D levels in 1,104 men, average age 77, and followed up for five years. Men with vitamin D blood levels of 30 nanograms per milliliter or less were twice as likely to have OA of the hip than men with higher vitamin D levels.


Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Cod Liver Oil

Cod liver oil is high in naturally occurring omega-3s and vitamin A. Cod liver oil, like most oil supplements, supports joint mobility. Cod liver oil also supports bone density, skin, hair, and nail health.

Cod liver oil often contains mercury, so look for cod liver oil that is tested for mercury.

Gregory Chandler




30-100 mg General health
60-160 mg Family history of heart problems
90-160 mg Heavy exercises
100-200 mg Mild heart problems
200-300 mg If taking statin drugs
300-360 mg Congestive heart problems
1,2000 mg Those with Parkinson's disease

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler on Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is not found in in abundance in many foods. Vitamin D is also made in the body when the skin is exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun. The current recommended daily intake of vitamin D is 200 IU, but many health experts recommend an intake of at least 1,000 IU, especially during winter when production from the sun is not feasible because of limited sunlight. Dark skin individuals also have a need for an intake above 1,000 IU. Again, it should be noted that 1,000 IU of vitamin D is virtually impossible to get without supplementation.

Vitamin D helps support calcium in the body. Vitamin D is also thought to promote strong bones and put a check on diabetes, hypertension, and Alzheimer's disease.

In fact, a 2007 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that subjects who supplemented with a daily dose of 300 to 2,000 IU of vitamin D had lower mortality rates.

Because vitamin D is fat-soluble, supplements with the vitamin should be consumed with a source of dietary fat for maximum absorption. One can take vitamin D with healthy fat from sources such as nuts, avocados or olive oil. Whole milk is a double plus because it contains fat and typically has added vitamin D.



A recently published study found in the journal, Evidence Based Integrative Medicine, specifically points to CO-Q10's use in supporting healthy circulation. Patients who took
CO-Q10 together with pycnogenol (pine tree bark extract) benefit from the collaborative antioxidant effects. CO-Q10 provides antioxidant protection from cell-damaging free radicals and helps maintain a healthy capillary circulatory system.


Saturday, May 7, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Statins and CO-Q10

I often write about the benefits of CO-Q10. Given the prevalence of high cholesterol levels in the United States population, many individuals take statin drugs to treat high cholesterol levels. Problematic is that statin drugs often deplete one's CO-Q10 levels. Many cardiologists recommend CO-Q10 supplementation in addition to traditional medical treatments. A recommended daily dosage for those taking statin medications is 200 to 300 mg per day.

Individuals who are taking statin medications should consult with a medical doctor about taking


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gregory Chandler: COQ-10 and Vitamin E

One benefit of COQ-10 is its interaction with other nutrients. COQ-10 has been shown to interact with alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) to regenerate oxidized vitamin E. The result may help maintain healthy blood pressure levels and lipid metabolism.

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler - May 6, 2011 trip

I have a function to attend in St. Louis, Missouri on May 6, 2011.

I will not be available until May 9, 2011.

Gregory Chandler

Gregory Chandler on over-40 COQ-10 Supplementation

Researchers have opined that the concentration of CO-Q10 in the body decreases with age.
This decrease in CO-Q10 begins to take place around the age of 40. However, some research suggests the CO-Q10 levels start to diminish as early as age 20 and continue to decline with further aging.

Healthy individuals under age 40 can supplement with 30 to 100 mg of CO-Q10 daily. Healthy individuals over the age of 40 should supplement with at least 100 mg of CO-Q10 daily.


Gregory Chandler: COQ-10 for Stress Relief

Vigorous exercise, as well as environmental toxins, can generate free radicals in the body.
COQ-10 helps neutralize these free radicals so one can get the benefits of exercise without the potentially damaging effects.


Gregory Chandler on COQ-10 and Trans Fats

Research has shown that COQ-10 may be useful to protect the heart from excessive trans fats. Trans fat is the harmful fat found in many processed foods.


Gregory Chandler - Borage Oil

I often write about taking oils as supplements. Borage oil contains gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) and other fatty acids important in maintaining heart, skin, nerve, and cell membrane health.

One can look for borage oil at a nutrition supplement retailer or a drug store.

Gregory Chandler

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Krill Oil

Krill Oil comes from small shellfish sustainably harvested in the Antarctic ocean. Much like
fish oil, krill contains omega-3s fatty acids. Krill oil's omega-3s has fatty acids that are phospholipid-bound for better absorption than regular fish oil

Studies suggest that krill oil may play a role in health of the eyes, skin, muscles, joints, brain,
and nervous system.


Gregory Chandler on Evening Primrose Oil

I often write about taking oil as supplements. The main oils that I write about are fish oil and flaxseed oil. For a change of pace, one can take supplements other than fish oil or flaxseed oil.

One such oil is evening primrose oil. Evening primrose oil contains substantial amounts of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). GLA is a precursor to prostaglandins, which regulate many vital functions in the body. Anecdotal research suggests that GLA may support the healthy growth of hair, skin, and nails.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Gregory Chandler on the Beginnings of COQ-10

CoQ-10 was first discovered and isolated from beef heart mitochondria in 1957 by Dr. Fred Crane and colleagues at the University of Wisconsin. At the same time, Professor R. A. Morton in the United Kingdom isolated the compound from vitamin A-deficient rat liver and identified it as being the same compound as COQ-10. He named the compound "ubiquinone", meaning the ubiquitous quinone. Dr. Karl Folkers and his group at Merck in 1958 then identified the compound's chemical structure and were the first to produce it by fermentation. They named the compound coenzyme Q10 because of its quinone structure and the ten isoprene unit side chain.

In the mid-1960's, researchers in Japan became the first to use coenzyme Q7, a related compound, in the treatment of congestive heart failure. Dr. Peter Mitchell of the United Kingdom received the Nobel Prize in 1978 for his contribution to the understanding of biological energy transfer through the formulation of the chemiosmotic theory, which includes the vital protonmotive role of COQ-10 in energy transfer systems. Lars Ernster of Sweden expanded upon COQ-10's importance as an antioxidant and free radical scavenger.

By the mid-1970's, Japanese researchers perfected the industrial technology to produce pure COQ-10 in quantities sufficient for larger clinical trials. This was followed in the early 1980's by a considerable acceleration in the number and size of clinical trials. The breakthrough was a result, in part, from the availability of pure COQ-10 in large quantities from pharmaceutical companies in Japan and from the capacity to directly measure COQ-10 in blood and tissue by high performance liquid chromatography. There have now been several international symposia on the biomedical and clinical aspects of COQ-10 from 1976 to now, including over 300 studies presented by researchers.

Professor Karl Folkers received the Priestly Medal from the American Chemical Society in 1986 and the National Medal of Science from President George Bush in 1990 for his work with COQ-10 and other vitamins.

In 2006, the first pure, stable form of ubiquinol was developed in bulk for the manufacture and commercial use of ubiquinol as a supplement. As a result, COQ-10 may be purchased at retail outlets such as health supplement stores and drug stores.


Gregory Chandler on American Ginseng

Please note that there are many types of ginseng. Anecdotal experience and research confirm that American ginseng is useful for boosting testosterone levels. A recommended dose is to take 100 to 200 milligrams two to three times per day with one dose 30 to 60 minutes before workouts and another before bed.


Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Arginine Forms

Nitric-oxide boosters can contain different forms of arginine, from L-arginine and arginine ethyl ester to arginine malate and arginine alpha-ketoglutarate. The most basic, L-arginine, may be less efficiently absorbed by the body than other forms, so if you find you are not responding to it, look for products containing one of the other forms.

Take 3 to 5 grams before and after workouts, unless you are experimenting with arginine ethyl ester, which usually only requires 2 to 3 grams before and after workouts.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Cordyceps

Many bodybuilders look for a natural way to boost testosterone. Cordyceps is a mushroom extract that is used to boost testosterone levels and athletic performance. The supplement also works as an antioxidant. Further benefits are the reduction of cholesterol and the regulation of insulin. One other benefit of Cordyceps is that it attaches to the same receptor sites as caffeine, so it boosts energy.


Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gregory Chandler - Hydroxycitric Acid

I will publish another article about Hydroxycitric Acid soon. One reader told me that she suspects it causes stomach problems. I will research the matter.

Gregory Chandler

Gregory Chandler on American Ginseng


Anecdotal experience and research confirm the efficacy of American Ginseng for enhancing testosterone levels. It is recommended that one take 100 to 200 milligrams two to three times per day with one dose 30 to 60 minutes before workouts and another dose before bed.


Gregory Chandler - Fenugreek

Fenugreek is used to increase libido and testosterone levels. Individuals seeking to gain weight may find fenugreek helpful to increase appetite. Fenugreek also affects insulin levels which, in turn, increases muscle mass.

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Cordyceps

Cordyceps is a Tibetan mushroom extract used to boost testosterone levels and athletic performance. Cordyceps also acts as an antioxidant, reduces cholesterol in the body, and helps regulate insulin release. An additional benefit of Cordyceps is that the supplement attaches to the same receptor sites as caffeine, so it boosts energy.


Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Scottsdale Military Healthcare Training Center

A new health care military training center has opened in Scottsdale, Arizona. The Scottsdale Healthcare Osborn Medical Center is providing vital hands-on experience to military and civilian medical personnel and emergency responders.

With talking human simulators that bleed and imitate battlefield trauma injuries, have heartbeats and breathing and abdominal sounds, the 7,500 square-foot training center also offers training for local firefighters and paramedics.

In addition to six simulation rooms, the $1.6 million facility, which opened in January 2011, boasts class and meeting space with cutting-edge teleconferencing equipment and high-definition audio/video capabilities. The training center expects to train at least 400 military medical personnel in year 2011.

GREGORY CHANDLER, Colonel, US Army Reserve

Gregory Chandler - Strawberries and Arginine

Many individuals supplement with arginine for its ability to increase blood flow. The amino acid arginine is a known nitric-oxide (NO) booster. Arginine is readily converted to NO in the body. NO helps expand blood vessels, allowing more blood flow to skeletal muscles for improved delivery of oxygen, anabolic hormones and nutrients such as amino acids. This accelerates muscle recovery and growth in response to training. In fact, research has found that arginine supplementation may reduce body fat while increasing muscle mass. Preliminary findings from a study conducted at the University of Athens Medical School in Greece suggests that when vitamin C is taken with an arginine supplement, it results in noticeably greater levels of NO than arginine taken alone. Vitamin C functions as an antioxidant, which may protect NO from the degradation caused by free radicals.

Gregory Chandler

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Green Tea and Vitamin C

Studies conducted by scientists at Purdue University discovered that vitamin C from citrus reduces the breakdown of catechin compounds such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) within the digestive system, making them more available to the body. These powerful antioxidant catechins, found in brewed green tea and green tea extract, are believed to provide a myriad of health benefits, such as reduced heart disease, improved bone strength and reduced risk of certain cancers. Moreover, studies suggest that catechins may prevent weight gain and improve exercise endurance by stimulating fat burning while one is exercising.


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, On Supplements for Body Lubrication

I recommend fish oil and flaxseed oil as lubricants for the body. Think of the reason an automobile uses motor oil. Motor oil is used to lubricate the moving parts in an automobile engine. Likewise, we use supplements such as fish oil and flaxseed oil to lubricate the body.


Friday, April 29, 2011

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Mycobacteria

Many individuals, especially the fitness conscious, enjoy hot tubs. One problem, however, is that hot tubs often promote respiratory problems. Hot tubs provide an excellent growth environment for mycobacteria. Mycobacteria can inflame the lungs and cause breathing problems. Since chlorine loses much of its disinfectant properties at temperatures above 84 degrees Fahrenheit, the hot tub should be cleaned often and have regular filter changes.


Thursday, April 28, 2011


Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection is managed by the trustees of Harvard University and is located in Washington, D. C. The library is also known as simply Dumbarton Oaks. On the grounds of the Dumbarton Oaks is Dumbarton mansion.

Dumbarton mansion is a 19th century Federal-style building located in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D. C.

Dumbarton Oaks is a center for scholarship in Byzantine studies, pre-Columbian studies and landscape studies.


Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on AMD

A large scale study was done by the Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group. The study involved 3,640 patients with an average follow-up of 6.3 years. Participants were randomly assigned to receive daily oral tablets containing:

Antioxidants: Vitamin C at 500 mg, Vitamin E at 400 IU, and Beta Carotene at 15 mg.

Zinc: at 80 mg.

Copper: at 2 mg.

Results showed a 25%-30% reduction in the progression of AMD in patients taking this combination of vitamins and minerals.


Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Green Tea

Green tea, especially in the extract form, is viewed as a weight loss aid. Research has identified its main bioactive component to be a polyphenol called EGCG. Green tea also contains caffeine, and the combination of EGCG and caffeine may work together to enhance fat burning and promote fat loss.

Researchers from Germany performed a detailed study to examine the short-term effects of caffeine and two doses of EGCG on measures of fat burning. In a double-blind cross-over study, obese men supplemented daily for 3 days with either a placebo, 300 mg of EGCG, 600 mg of EGCG, 200 mg of caffeine, or a combination of 300 mg of EGCG and 200 mg of caffeine.

On day three of supplementation, subjects rested quietly for eight hours while measures of fat oxidation were made before and after a standardized meal. Fasting measures of fat oxidation were increased for the low dose EGCG (8%), high dose EGCG (15%), caffeine (26%), and combined EGCG/caffeine (35%) trials. Measures of fat oxidation after the standardized meal were increased for the low dose EGCG (33%), high dose EGCG (20%), caffeine (35%), and combined EGCG/caffeine (49%) trials.

These findings support the use of about 300 mg of EGCG from green tea per day for increasing fat burning. Higher doses did not improve fat burning results. Short-term supplementation with either EGCG or caffeine alone showed positive effects, but the combination resulted in the highest rates of fat oxidation.

It should be noted that green tea contains only a small amount of caffeine. Therefore, the caffeine must be taken as a separate supplement.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Gregory Chandler, Attorney, on TRICARE

The Department of Defense (DOD) has formalized its plan to expand TRICARE coverage for dependent children through age 26. This will bring the military's policy in line with the national health care law enacted in 2010. The plan, called the TRICARE Young Adult Program, will offer TRICARE Standard benefits starting during the first half of 2011. To be eligible, older dependent children must be unmarried and must not be eligible for their own employer-sponsored health insurance. The dependent child will be able to purchase the TRICARE coverage on a month to month basis. The monthly cost has not yet been disclosed.

GREGORY CHANDLER, Colonel, US Army Reserve


There has long been a debate among those who study bodybuilding about the efficacy of what is commonly called DHEA.

5-Dehydroepiandroepiandrosterone (5-DHEA or simply DHEA) is a 19-carbon natural steroid hormone. DHEA is the major secretory steroidal product of the adrenal glands and is also produced by the gonads and the brain. DHEA is the most abundant circulating steroid in humans. DHEA is produced from cholesterol in the body.

DHEA acts on the androgen receptor both directly and through its metabolites, which include androstenediol and androstendione, which can undergo further conversion to produce the androgen testosterone and the estrogens, including estrone, estradiol, and estriol. In this context, DHEA can be understood as a prohormone for the primary sex steroids: testosterone and estrogen.

DHEA supplements are sometimes used as bodybuilding or performance enhancing drugs by athletes. However, a randomized placebo controlled study found that DHEA supplementation had only marginal effect on lean body mass, strength, or testosterone levels.

The use of DHEA by males is problematic. DHEA gives males a small increase in the male sex hormone: testosterone. At the same time, DHEA gives males an increase in the major female hormone: estrogen. The result is often that the estrogen increase is greater than the testosterone increase in males.

My recommendation is that males who take DHEA should take the supplement with an estrogen suppressor. Supplements that are thought to be estrogen suppressors can be purchased at nutrition supplement stores. Many studies indicate that foods such as broccoli act as estrogen suppressors.

The bottom line is that DHEA can be used by males as a limited builder of testosterone, but care should be used to block the estrogens that DHEA promotes.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Gregory Chandler on Harvard Humanities Honorands

This year's roster of National Humanities Medalists, who were honored by President Barack Obama at the White House in March 2011, includes five Harvardians: Daniel Aaron, Bernard Bailyn, Stanley Nider Katz, Gordon S. Wood, and Arnold Rampersad.


Gregory Chandler - Conjugated Linoleic Acid

Conjugated Linoleic acid (CLA) is a fatty acid shown in studies to preserve lean body mass while reducing body fat. It appears that CLA affects two enzymes, one that breaks down fat from the cells and one that breaks down fat in the blood. Studies show a superior loss of body fat and increase in lean muscle mass for those taking 3 to 6 grams of CLA per day compared to a placebo.

It appears that CLA helps people lose more fat, prevents fat from being stored, and also spares muscle.


Gregory Chandler, Attorney, on Glutamine

The amino acid glutamine provides a form of nutrition to your immune system and intestinal cells, thereby preventing muscle loss. Glutamine also produces bicarbonate, which has been recognized for its muscle-preserving effects. Like creatine, glutamine also has a cell-volumizing effect, helping muscle cells stay swollen when glycogen and insulin levels are low. By stuffing muscle cells with water, glutamine helps them stay stretched and tight, which prevents protein-destroying enzymes from switching on and devouring muscle. Glutamine can also cause growth hormone (GH) release, and helps keep muscle-building processes humming along.


Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on White Kidney Beans

Eating carbohydrates can send one's blood sugar soaring, causing excess blood sugar (glucose) to convert to fat. Carbohydrates inhibitors work by inhibiting alpha-amylase, the enzyme that converts carbohydrates from glucose. This amylase inhibitor is made from white bean extract. It is all-natural and stimulant free. A double-bind, placebo-controlled study of 60 people showed those who took this amylase inhibitor lost an average of 6.45 pounds in 30 day compared to less than 1 pound for a placebo.

On can take 500 to 1,500 mg of Northern white kidney bean extract before a meal that contains large amounts of carbohydrates.


Saturday, April 23, 2011




Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Hoodia

Many individuals have used hoodia as an appetite suppressor. The herb hoodia comes from a cactus first discovered in the Kalahari desert of Africa. Traditionally, hoodia has been used to suppress appetite. The active ingredient in hoodia is P57. According to some, P57 acts on the brain like glucose and tricks the individual into thinking he or she is full. It is reported that hoodia also helps reduce interest in food and delays the time it takes for an individual to feel hungry again.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Glucomannan

Glucomannan is a natural, water-soluble dietary fiber from the konjac root. Glucomannan works by absorbing water in the stomach and forming a gel-like substance that carries moisture through your digestive system. It also helps one feel full due to its expansion in the digestive system.

Research shows that glucomannan helps delay gastric emptying, slows the absorption of dietary carbohydrates and triglycerides levels, and acts as a prebiotic. One should take glucomannan one hour before each meal to help one feel semi-full before the meal. The feeling of fullness will lessen the desire to overeat.


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Green Tea Extract

Green tea is often consumed for its health benefits. Green tea is often used by bodybuilders as a fat burner. The type of green tea used by bodybuilders is in the extract and concentrated form. Green tea in beverage form has limited fat burning abilities. A green tea catechin called EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), when combined with caffeine, was shown to boost metabolism beyond that of caffeine alone. Green tea may slow carbohydrate absorption and increase fat burning by improving the function of insulin. One can purchase green tea extract at health supplements stores. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Chitosan

Chitosan is an indigestible fiber derived from shellfish. When taken before or during a meal chitosan forms a gel which binds to dietary fats. This prevents the normal breakdown of fat, allowing the fat to pass through the body unabsorbed. It is suggested that an individual take 2 to 3 capsules before a fat-laden meal.


Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on 7-Keto DHEA

7 Keto-DHEA works to increase metabolic rate without the use of stimulants. 7-Keto DHEA is produced naturally in the body, but declines significantly after age 30. By age 40, it is less than half of what it was at age 20. Two clinical studies support the evidence that 7-Keto DHEA appears to regulate fat burning in the body. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Chromium

Chromium is a trace mineral. Chromium supports healthy insulin function which helps regulate blood sugar and is necessary for proper metabolism. Keeping blood sugar levels in check may support weight loss. Many individuals use chromium for its anabolic purposes. Insulin is an anabolic hormone. When insulin is given a boost, the body is better able to make use of this anabolic hormone. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Gregory Chandler, Attorney, on Conjugated Linoleic Acid

By Gregory Chandler I often write about Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA). CLA is an omega-6 fat. CLA, however, is unlike other omega-6s fats. CLA reduces inflammation and the risk of cancer. When CLA is taken for at least 12 weeks, the supplement has been shown to reduce body fat and increase lean mass. The reduction of body fat is even more so in the abdominal area. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Resveratrol

Resveratrol is a chemical compound found naturally in blueberries, cranberries, grape skins and peanuts. Resveratrol is thought to increase the number of mitochondria in each muscle cell. Having more mitochondria in each cell means that the body can produce more energy, leading to better muscular endurance in the gym. In fact, one study from the Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology in France reported that mice given resveratrol had enough energy to run twice as far before reaching exhaustion as those given a placebo. Resveratrol also may help to increase one's life span. A Harvard University study found that resveratrol may help increase longevity. Resveratrol may be purchased at most health supplement stores.


Gregory Chandler - Need for Military Pay Law

Congress prevented a complete federal government shutdown on April 8, 2011. The Congress did not agree to a 2011 budget. The Congress only agreed to a continuing resolution that will continue to fund the federal government until April 15, 2011. By April 15, 2011 the hope is that a full federal budget can be agreed upon and that there will be no need for a government shutdown. Nonetheless, military members and their families should never be put in a situation about a worry over military pay. Concerned individuals should contact his or her congressional representative about enacting a federal law that protects military pay in case of federal government shutdowns. GREGORY CHANDLER, Colonel, U. S. Army Reserve

Monday, April 11, 2011

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Beta-glucan

By Gregory Chandler

Individuals who engage in vigorous exercise are at risk for a breakdown of the immune system. Beta-glucan, researchers believe, helps activate macrophages. Macrophages are white blood cells of the immune system that trap and destroy invading bacteria and viruses. In turn, macrophages help launch other immune responses, "T" and "B" cells, that target, kill and produce protective antibodies against future invaders. In the study, 150 men and women under chronic moderate to high stress, aged 18 to 65, took 250 mg or 500 mg of beta-glucan per day or a placebo. During the four week study, compared to placebo, both beta-glucan groups reported less tension and fatigue, fewer upper respiratory tract infections, and better overall health.


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Omega-3s and Weight Loss

By Gregory Chandler In a recent omega-3 study, researchers found that earlier research found omega-3s can help the body burn stored fat by raising core body temperature, called thermogenesis. Researchers measured blood levels of omega-3s in 124 adults who had healthy weight, who were overweight or who were obese. As omega-3 levels rose, body mass index was healthier, and measurements at the waist and hip were smaller. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Hydroxycitric Acid

By Gregory Chandler Hydroxycitric acid (HCA) is an extract from the rind of the Garcinia Cambogia plant that helps reduce body fat by turning stored fat into fuel during exercise. Pulling more fat out of fat stores increases endurance, allowing one to exercise longer and harder. Furthermore, researchers from Ohio State University report that HCA can alter genes that govern how the body burns fat, leading to greater fat loss. A beneficial dose is two to three doses of 500 to 1,000 milligrams of HCA per day. Take one of these doses about 30 minutes before you begin weight training. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on White Bean Extract

A study was conducted on weight loss. 101 individuals took 1,000 mg of white kidney bean extract or a placebo 15 minutes before each of three meals per day. After 60 days, the placebo group had lost less than one pound while the white bean group lost more than four pounds, without side effects. As to waist size, the placebo group lost two-tenths of an inch compared to seven-tenths of an inch for the white bean group. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler on Prenatal Folic Acid Supplementation

By Gregory Chandler Researchers in one study began measuring blood folate levels in 100 mothers at the 14th week of pregnancy, and followed up on their children's behavior for nine years. Kids whose mother's had lower blood folate levels were more likely to be hyperactive and to have behavioral problems with peers. Mothers who consumed an average of 466 mcg of folic acid per day had babies with larger head circumferences at birth than kids whose mothers got an average of 413 mcg of folic acid per day, suggesting that folic acid influences brain development. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Alzheimer's

By Gregory Chandler In an Alzheimer's disease (AD) study, researchers measured signs of inflammation and blood levels of vitamin B12 in 271 adults, aged 65 to 79, who did not have dementia at the start of the study. After 17 years of follow-up, doctors found two strong links: as levels of the inflammatory protein homocysteine rose, so did chances of AD, and as vitamin B12 levels increased, chances of AD decreased. Vitamin B deficiencies can cause high homocysteine levels. The scientists said that older adults are often low in vitamin B12 and suggested more study to confirm that vitamin B12 helps protect memory. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on B vitamins and Brain Health

By Gregory Chandler The human brain shrinks with age and dementia. In one study, 168 people, aged at least 70, with mild mental impairment, took 800 mcg of folic acid, 500 mcg of vitamin B12, and 20 mg of vitamin B6 per day, or a placebo. After two years, the rate of shrinking had increased 8 percent for the placebo group and decreased 24 percent for the B vitamin group. Those in the B vitamin group who began the study with higher levels of inflammatory homocysteine saw shrinking slow by 53 percent. Researchers suggest further studies to determine if B vitamins can maintain brain health. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Melatonin

By Gregory Chandler Eyesight may be maintained with melatonin supplementation. Telomeres--the protective tips on the ends of each DNA strand--are a primary sign of aging; the longer the telomere, the younger the cell age. In one study, 55 individuals with weakening vision from age-related macular degeneration (AMD) took 3 mg of melatonin per day. After six months, 75 percent had stable eyesight and fewer AMD symptoms. In AMD, the retina deteriorates over time. In a new theory, researchers said that the antioxidants in melatonin help retinal pigment cells repair oxidative damage and stimulate the cells to produce telomerase, a protein that helps maintain healthy telomere length. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Migraines

By Gregory Chandler Studies have shown that supplementation with B vitamins helps to lower homocysteine levels and lower the risk of migraines. According to researchers in a migraine study, prior research identified a gene that, when mutated, can raise levels of homocysteine, making people susceptible to migraines. In the study, 52 people suffering from migraines took 2 mg of folic acid, 25 mg of vitamin B6 and 400 mcg of vitamin B12 per day, or a placebo. After six months, compared to the start of the study, homocysteine levels were 39 percent lower in those who took B vitamins. While there were no changes for the placebo group, the B vitamin group--particularly those with the mutated gene--had fewer and less severe migraines, with disabling symptoms declining from 60 percent at the start of the study to 30 percent by the end. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Vitamin D and Brain Function

By Gregory Chandler In a mental health study, doctors measured blood levels of vitamin D and mental function in 752 similar, relatively healthy women, aged at least 75. The researchers separated the women into two groups; those with low vitamin D--less than 10 nanograms of vitamin D per milliliter (ng per ml) of blood--and those with 10 or more ng per ml. The women in the higher vitamin D group were half as likely to have impaired mental function as were women with lower levels of vitamin D. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Prenatal Supplements

By Gregory Chandler
Researchers in a study wanted to determine if prenatal supplements in mothers could improve the mental and physical health of children. Researchers followed for two years 676 Nepalese children, aged 7 to 9, whose mothers had taken vitamin A with iron and folic acid, or a placebo of vitamin A, before and during pregnancy. Compared to children whose mothers took only vitamin A, children whose mothers had taken iron and folic acid had greater intellectual ability and better control of fine muscle movements.



Allergic diseases may be due in part to not enough antioxidants in the diet according to a study. Researchers measured the diets and followed 861 children for eight years from birth. As levels of the antioxidant beta-carotene in the diet increased, allergy decreased. Those who consumed the most beta-carotene were 20 percent less likely to have allergies than those who got the least beta-carotene. The researchers also found fewer signs of allergic stress in children who got the most beta-carotene. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law

Monday, April 4, 2011

Gregory Chandler, Attorney, on Omega-3s and Blood Pressure

By: Gregory Chandler Some individuals inherit the tendency to have both high cholesterol and high triglycerides. In one study, 67 people with this inherited condition took omega-3s or a placebo. After 12 weeks, LDL cholesterol had not changed in either group, but compared to the placebo group, those who had taken omega-3s had 7 percent lower blood pressure, 8 percent lower levels of a sign of inflammation--high sensitivity C-reactive protein--and 19 percent lower levels of triglycerides. Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law

Gregory Chandler, Attorney, on L-Arginine and exercise performance

BY: GREGORY CHANDLER Nitric oxide (NO) boosters have become big sellers in the supplement market in recent years. NO is a gaseous substance that has a critical role in the body as a potent dilator of blood vessels. It is well known that increasing the bioavailability of NO improves vasodilation and blood pressure. However, new studies suggest that nutritional manipulation of NO can improve other aspects of oxygen kinetics and even exercise performance. L-arginine is the rate-limiting amino acid required for NO synthesis. Studies have shown that when large doses of L-arginine are ingested or infused directly into a blood vessel, there is a positive effect on increasing vascular function. Building on this information, researchers from the United Kingdom hypothesized that L-arginine supplementation would improve exercise efficiency and enhance performance. Healthy men performed an exercise test on a cycle on two occasions. During one trial, they consumed 6 grams of L-arginine. During the second trial, they consumed a placebo. One hour after taking the L-arginine or the placebo, subjects performed an incremental exercise test to exhaustion. The primary finding was that L-arginine supplementation reduced the amount of oxygen required to perform exercise. This means that individuals accomplished the same exercise load, but with less energy expended. In other words they were more efficient after supplementing with L-arginine. L-arginine supplementation also increased time to exhaustion by 26% during high intensity cycling. These findings provide evidence that L-arginine supplementation (6 grams in a single dose) improves exercise efficiency and tolerance. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law