Monday, July 11, 2011

Gregory Chandler -- Magnesium and Heart Health

I often write about the supplement ZMA. Of course the "M" in ZMA stands for magnesium. Magnesium helps the heart maintain its normal rhythm. Researchers in one study measured the diets of 88,375 women who were disease-free at the start of the study, and followed up for 26 years. Researchers also measured blood levels of magnesium in 99 women who had a fatal heart attack during this time, and compared them to 291 women in the study of similar age, ethnicity, smoking habits, and cardiovascular condition who did not have a heart attack.

Women with the highest magnesium levels were 37% less likely to have a fatal heart attack than those with the lowest levels. Researchers also found a direct link: each 0.25 mg increase in magnesium per deciliter of blood meant a 41% lower chance of heart attack.


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