Saturday, August 7, 2010

Gregory Chandler - Glucomannan Aids Fat Loss

Glucomannan is a water-soluble fiber that is used to help regulate blood sugar, reduce cholesterol levels, and treat obesity. A recent study conducted at the University of Connecticut examined the effects of glucomannan supplementation with or without exercise training on body-fat levels in overweight men and women. After eight weeks, men consuming glucomannan lost 1.4% body fat, and the group that also exercised lost 2.9%. In women, glucomannan alone reduced body fat by 1.9%, and glucomannan plus exercise boosted fat loss to 2.8%. In both groups, glucomannan blunted appetite by reducing fat and carbohydrate intake. It should be noted that subjects in the exercise group completed 1.5 hours of exercise three day per week.

For fat burning purposes, take 3,000 mg per day split into two 1,500 mg doses.

Gregory Chandler

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