Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Gregory Chandler on a Testosterone Booster called Long Jack
This rain forest plant enhances testosterone levels by freeing up testosterone from sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG). Another way that Long Jack works is by stimulating the Leydig cells of the testes to directly increase testosterone production. Research confirms that Long Jack can lower SHBG by about 30% and increase testosterone levels by almost 20%.
It is advised to take 100-300 mg of Long Jack in the morning, 30-60 minutes before workouts and before bed. Cycle Long Jack for eight weeks, then take two to four weeks off before repeating.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, Heart Rate
Resting heart rate usually increases with age. Although very high (above 101) or very low (below 50) resting heart rates may indicate something is wrong. An increase in your resting heart rate of 8 to 10 beats can indicate illness or overtraining. A decrease by 8 to 10 beats can also indicate overtraining. A good way to determine your fitness is to measure the rate at which your heart rate slows down after aerobic exercise. The faster your heart rate returns to its resting rate, the more fit you are. A drop of 20 bpm is normal for a fit person.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on Blood Pressure
Before you test, sit for five minutes with your back supported and your feet flat on the ground. Rest your arm on a table at the level of your heart. Blood pressure can fluctuate from day to day, but checking your blood pressure over the course of a week or two should give you a good indication of your baseline blood pressure.
Ideally, your blood pressure (systolic blood pressure at or above 140 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure at or above 90 mmHg) is associated with an increased risk of death and disability from heart disease, stroke, congestive heart failure and end-stage renal disease.
Nutrition plays a critical role in controlling blood pressure. The National High Blood pressure Education Program recommends a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products and that has limited saturated and total fat.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Gregory Chandler - Cholesterol
If you have high cholesterol, it is important to address it. However, do not think you can prevent the condition just by lowering you numbers. Although high cholesterol is considered to be a total cholesterol reading above 240 mg/dL, anyone who has a total cholesterol of over 200 mg/dL or HDL (good) cholesterol less than 40 should consult a medical doctor to work towards lowering these number to reduce the risk of heart disease.
According to the National Cholesterol Education Program, everyone age 20 and older should have his or her cholesterol levels checked at least once every five years. If an individual notices that his or her total cholesterol or cholesterol ratios are elevated or that they have shifted for the worse, you should be more aggressive in bringing your cholesterol down.
There are methods to improve your cholesterol levels. One should consume a low-fat diet that has less than 30% daily calories from saturated fat. Also helpful is the consumption of adequate amounts of fiber and especially soluble fiber. Food sources of fiber include oatmeal, kidneys beans and apples.
Studies have shown that eating a serving of oatmeal on a regular basis is one of the simplest and most effective ways of lowering LDL, the bad form of cholesterol.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I use fish oil for joint lubrication. Just think of the function of motor oil in an automobile. The motor oil is used to lubricate the engine parts.
Until recently, the usual source for the omega-3 fats of DHA and EPA were fatty fish, fish oils or cod liver oil. Over the past few years, natural krill oil (NKO) has attracted attention as an alternative to fish oil. NKO contains long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids that appear to positively influence the endocannabinoids. Endocannabinoids are a unique signaling system that controls appetite, pain sensation, mood and memory. NKO is also thought to reduce body fat levels more so than regular fish oil.
A recommended dose is a 300-mg dose of NKO either once or twice per day.
e-mail attatlawgc@gmail.com
Monday, October 18, 2010
Gregory Chandler - Pumpkins for Iron Pumpers
Bodybuilders should know that pumpkins are not just for Halloween decoration. Pumpkins are also a healthy vegetable with only 50 calories a cup and high levels of vitamin A (especially pumpkins with dark orange pulp), plus they contain vitamin C, folate, fiber, potassium, and other minerals.
Though all pumpkins are edible, the smallest round varieties--both orange and white--tend to be the sweetest and have the smoothest texture. Of course, those sold as "cooking" or "pie pumpkins" are good for their intended use. The typical jack-o-lantern pumpkin is safe to eat, but it might be tough and stringy, with little flavor.
Many people also cook pumpkin seeds in the fall. Pumpkin pie is a perennial favorite, but the gourd-like squash can also be stuffed, mashed, stewed, pickled, or even substituted for french fries.
e-mail attatlawgc@gmail.com
Saturday, October 16, 2010
GREGORY CHANDLER Estate Planning With Heirs In Mind
Retirement plan beneficiary designations should be reviewed annually and updated when there is a significant life event such as a birth, a death, or a divorce. That single designation is more powerful than you might think because it can override the instructions in your will or trust. Your plan administrator is responsible for maintaining these instructions, but paperwork can get lost and what counts is the physical document itself--not an electronic entry on a computer screen. Keep an updated copy with the other important papers your executor will need.
Naming your beneficiary is another important estate-planning consideration. Naming your estate or trust as beneficiary might not be the best choice, because it can force heirs to take taxable distributions they might otherwise defer. Naming a contingent beneficiary can be another important tool. These issues are best discussed with an attorney.
Though updating legal documents and checking your beneficiary designations can be inconvenient, it is not a large amount of work. In addition, it is one more way to provide for
your intended heirs.
e-mail attatlawgc@gmail.com
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
However, a study in the July 2007 Journal of he International Society of Sports Nutrition shows that soy protein does not decrease testosterone and, in fact, leads to significant increases in lean mass when combined with resistance training. Results of the study showed no differences in sex-hormone levels, percentage of body fat, body-mass index or body weight among men taking 50 grams per day of soy concentrate, soy isolate, soy isolate plus whey, or whey only.
My recommendation is that male bodybuilders should use some soy protein for protein variety.
e-mail attatlawgc@gmail.com
Monday, October 4, 2010
To receive this benefit, those who served under stop loss must submit a claim for the special pay. Throughout the year the armed services have been reaching out to service members, former service members, and their families through direct mail and the media. However, there is still money left to be claimed. The average benefit is $3,700.00.
The DOD web site of http://www.defense.gov/stoploss gives more information and allows one to begin the RSLSP claim process.
Colonel, United States Army Reserve
e-mail attatlawgc@gmail.com
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
On November 11, 2009, President Barack Obama signed into law the MSRRA. The MSRRA directly impacts military families (more than 50% of all service members have a family) who on average move every three years to a new duty station and reservists mobilized or serving on active duty. Prior to the MSRRA, the Service members Civil Relief Act (SCRA) allowed a U. S. service member to maintain his or her original state of residency despite moving to a different state or country.
However, no such benefit was available to the service member's spouse. As a result, his or her spouse was required to obtain a new driver's license; re-title personal property (automobile, boat, etc.); re-register to vote; and, in many cases, file a separate income tax return (if the service member does not claim the new state as his or her state of residency) every time the family was assigned to a new duty station.
The MSRRA amends the SCRA to provide every service member's spouse with the same benefit as the service member. The MSRRA provides that a nonmilitary spouse will not (1) be deemed to have lost a residence or domicile (whether or not he/she intends to return to that state), or be deemed to have acquired a new residence or domicile by virtue of residing in a state with his/her spouse while on military orders; (2) have his/her income classified as income earned in a tax jurisdiction if the spouse is in the state solely as a result of his or her spouse's military orders; and (3) suspend land rights residency requirements for a spouse accompanying his or her service member spouse on military orders. This allows the nonmilitary spouse to avoid all of the difficulties listed above upon moving to the spouse's new duty station. For example, the SCRA allows a Texas domiciled military resident to maintain the state of Texas as his or her state of residency despite being stationed in California, Germany, South Carolina, or any state or country. The MSRRA now allows the same rights and privileges to the service member's nonmilitary spouse.
Colonel, U. S. Army Reserve
e-mail AttatLawGC@gmail.com
Monday, September 27, 2010
If one has questions about the giving of special assets, please contact Harvard University Planned Giving. The office may be contacted at:
Address: 124 Mount Auburn Street, Cambridge, MA 02138-5795
E-mail: pgo@harvard.edu
Telephone: (617) 495-4647
I often advise members of the military community about overseas travel. This military community consists of military servicemembers, civilians, and dependents. Overseas travelers should be aware that one might not be able to use military facilities overseas. For example, use of the commissary and exchange may not be available to all individuals. The reason for this unavailability is often because of a Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) that the United States has with a foreign nation.
SOFA is a set of laws pertaining to military servicemembers, civilians, and dependents in a particular nation. There are currently 90 SOFAs in existence.
Before heading to a foreign destination, I advise that the individual gather some information. This information can often be obtained at a retirement services office, Judge Advocate Office, or from the United States Department of State.
Happy Travels,
Friday, September 24, 2010
How does quercetin work? No one really knows, but research in mice previously showed that quercetin increased mitochondrial numbers, an effect that would provide a clear benefit in endurance activities. The caveat is that these effects may only be relevant to individuals who are not already well-trained athletes, since prolonged endurance training is known to have the same effect on boosting mitochondrial size and number.
An added benefit of quercetin supplementation is its effect on bolstering the immune system. One trial reported that 1000 mg/day of quercetin reduced susceptibility to upper-respiratory-tract infections. A study from the University of North Carolina revealed quercetin can improve endurance by an average of 13%.
e-mail attatlawgc@gmail.com
Monday, September 13, 2010
At age 60 retired pay and benefits commence for reservists. The first direct deposit to your bank account will be on the first working day of the month following your birthday. New identification cards, reflecting retired with pay status, should be obtained. Your spouse's new identification card will expire in the month prior to him/her reaching age 65. You and eligible dependents are automatically enrolled in TRICARE Standard if you properly applied for retired pay benefits. You may apply for TRICARE Prime only after reaching age 60, not before.
At age 62 is the first opportunity to opt-out of the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP). You must submit an SBP Termination Request with spouse concurrence. You have until the day before turning age 63 to opt-out of the plan. You will need your DD Form 214 when applying.
The day before turning age 63 is your last opportunity for opting out of the SBP program. Once out of the program, no reentry is authorized, not even during an open season.
At age 65 TRICARE Standard, Extra, or Prime ends the last day of the month before the month you turn age 65. TRICARE continues for any family member until he/she turns age 65. TRICARE for Life (TFL) begins on the same day as Medicare, provided you are covered under Part B. TFL now becomes the second payee after Medicare. A new spouse identification card is required upon your spouse reaching age 65. You, as the retired member do not need to renew your identification card.
GREGORY CHANDLER, Colonel, US Army Reserve
e-mail address attatlawgc@gmail.com
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Calcium can also help aid fat loss and prevent fat gain. This is due to the fact that calcium regulates the hormone calcitriol, which causes the body to produce fat and inhibits fat breakdown. When calcium levels are adequate, calcitriol is suppressed. Another way calcium enhances fat loss is by decreasing the amount of fat from your diet that is absorbed by your intestines. Numerous studies have shown that higher calcium intakes are associated with lower body weights and less weight gain over time. Research also shows that calcium can help to specifically reduce the fat around your abdomen.
Baylor College of Medicine, in Houston, Texas, researchers concluded in a 2006 study that increasing calcium intake could lower abdominal fat, particularly in males.
e-mail attatlawgc@gmail.com
Casein, unlike whey, is very slow digesting, which makes it a perfect protein to drink right before bedtime, when you are heading into seven or more hours without eating. Since casein protein is slowly digested, it provides the body with a steady supply of amino acids throughout the night when your body is in a fasting state. This protects your muscle mass from being broken down and used for fuel while you sleep.
Casein is also a good between-meal supplement for those trying to pack on more mass. Research shows that casein doesn't make you feel as full as whey protein does, which means you will be able to eat more at your next meal.
I would advise one to take 20 to 40 grams of casein protein right before bed and between meals for boosting muscle mass.
e-mail address: attatlawgc@gmail.com
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Gregory Chandler - Saluting of the United States Flag by Military Personnel and Veterans
All military personnel and military veterans should know the proper manner to salute the United States flag.
Title 4, United States Code, Section 9 explains the proper manner to salute the United States flag.
All persons present in uniform should render the military salute. Members of the Armed Forces and veterans who are present but not in uniform may render the military salute when the individual is not wearing a hat. All other persons present should face the flag and stand at attention with his or her right hand over the heart, or if applicable, remove his or her hat with the right hand and hold the hat at the left shoulder with the hand being over the heart.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Coenzyme Q10 (COQ10) is necessary for cellular energy production. The body's ability to produce CO110 declines with age, so one needs to rely more on supplementation . An additional reason to take COQ10 is that the nutrient helps to control blood pressure and is particularly important for the health of your heart.
GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law E-mail AttatLawGC@gmail.com
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Gregory Chandler on HMB for Strength Gains
Take 1 to 3 grams of HMB with food in the morning, before and after workouts, and before bed.
e-mail AttatLawGC@gmail.com
Friday, August 20, 2010
Gregory Chandler on Community Living Assistance Services and Support Act (CLASS)
An estimated ten million Americans (expected to increase to fifteen million in 2020) are currently in need of long-term care services and support. With the exception of those able to afford a private long-term care policy or already covered by one, neither the Supplemental Security Insurance (SSI) nor Old, Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) programs will provide benefits to fill the gap. As a result, Americans unable to afford private long-term care or who have or develop severe functional impairments can only access coverage for the services critical to their independence (such as housing modifications, assistive technologies, transportation, and personal assistance services)through Medicaid.
In order to assist those individuals, President Barack Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) into law on March 23, 2010. Included in PPACA was the "Community Living Assistance Services and Supports Act" (CLASS). CLASS establishes a national voluntary insurance program designed to assist adults with severe functional impairments in obtaining the services and supports needed for them to stay functional and independent.
CLASS program:
Under the CLASS program, eligible participants will pay monthly premiums in return for a long-term care benefit should they develop a disability. Each participant's benefit will be based on his or her difficultly in performing basic life activities (bathing or dressing). The most appealing part of the CLASS program is that it will not require screening of applicants for health problems (prior or existing ) and will allow all individuals to enroll (even those who might not otherwise qualify for a private long-term care insurance policy).
CLASS requirements:
Participation in the CLASS program requires: (1) a monthly premium payment (subject to annual increases) through employer payroll deduction; and (2) sixty months of premium payments and employment during at least three of those five years. In return, the participant will be entitled to a lifetime cash benefit, based upon his or her degree of impairment, as long as the claimant remains disabled.
Employees will be automatically enrolled in the CLASS program (just like Social Security) unless they opt out. Employees who opt out of the CLASS program may later opt back in, subject to higher premiums and requirements. Self-employed individuals or those whose employers do not offer the CLASS benefit program will also be able to join the program through a government payment mechanism.
It is anticipated that monthly plan premiums will not be increased for participants who remain an active enrollee in the program. A monthly premium increased will also not apply to an active enrollee who: (1) has attained age 65; (2) has paid plan premiums for at least 20 years; or (3) is not actively employed.
Benefit triggers:
Participants will become eligible to receive plan benefits upon a determination that they have a functional limitation, certified by a licensed health care practitioner, expected to last for a continuous period greater than 90 days. The determination must find that the participant: (1) is unable to perform at least the minimum number (which may be 2 or 3) of activities of daily living (ADLs); or (2) requires substantial supervision to protect him or her from threats to his/her health and safety due to substantial cognitive impairment. There will be no cap on the lifetime benefit a participant can receive.
Impact on other government benefits and programs:
Like any government program, one has to be aware of the concept of offsets. An offset is when the receipt of one government benefit reduces or eliminates one's receipt of another benefit. For example, the receipt of military retirement pay may reduce or eliminate a person's receipt of certain state benefits.
A CLASS program participant, who resides in a hospital, nursing facility, intermediate care facility, or an institution for mental diseases, will only be able to retain five percent (5%) of his or her cash benefit. The balance will be applied toward the facility's cost of providing the participant's care, with Medicaid serving as the secondary coverage. In contrast, a plan participant who subsequently receives medical benefits under Medicaid will be able to retain fifty percent (50%) of his her her program cash benefit. The balance will be paid to the state providing the assistance.
Benefits received under the CLASS program will be disregarded for government benefits (Federal, state, or locally funded) eligibility purposes. Program benefits will also have no impact on a participant's use of cash benefits paid into a Life Independence Account.
The CLASS program is not intended to replace a private long-term care insurance policy but to provide those individuals, who may not be eligible or able to afford a private policy, with an alternative. Only a private long-term insurance policy is designed to pay for the ballooning cost of long-term care; however, a CLASS program policy may serve as a good supplement. The program may also serve as a means to lower an individual's taxable income below the new Medicare tax level on high-income households. In addition, despite being signed into law in March 2010, the United States Department of Health and Human Services will not bring the program into effect until year 2012.
e-mail AttatLawGC@gmail.com
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Gregory Chandler on Omega-3s and Creatine
In an omega-3 study, 40 non-smoking amateur male wrestlers, average age of 19, with an average body mass index (BMI) of 22.75, took one fish oil softgel containing 180 mg of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and 120 mg of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) per day, with or without training, or took a placebo with or without training. After 12 weeks, while there were no significant changes for the other groups, the omega-3 training group had 41 percent better airflow and 53 percent greater lung capacity compared to the beginning of the study.
In a creatine study, 16 male elite swimmers, average age 16, took 5g of creatine four times per day or a placebo. After five days, while there was no change for placebo, the creatine group increased continuous jumping power by 20 percent and swam much faster in two 100-meter swim sprints.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Gregory Chandler - Calcium for men
Magnesium intake, ranging from 387 mg to 523 mg per day, did not appear to be associated with mortality rates.
The authors conclude, "This population -based prospective study of men with relatively high intakes of dietary calcium and magnesium showed that intake of calcium above that recommended daily may reduce all-cause mortality. "
GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law AttatLawGC@gmail.com
Gregory Chandler on COQ-10: the Anti-Aging Antioxidant
In a depression study, researchers compared COQ-10 blood levels in 35 depressed people who had not responded to anti-depressants to 22 healthy people. More than half of the depressed group had lower levels of COQ-10 than the lowest levels in the healthy group. Doctors also found that those with lower COQ-10 were more likely to have chronic fatigue syndrome.
In a related study, researchers compared COQ-10 levels in 58 people with chronic fatigue syndrome to 22 healthy people and found that nearly half had lower levels of COQ-10 than the lowest levels in the healthy group.
GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law e-mail AttatLawGC@gmail.com
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Gregory Chandler on Microsoft OneNote software
Now, with Microsoft Office 2010, OneNote is included in every box.
OneNote is Microsoft's free-form note-taking program. OneNote lets you capture ideas, information, web page, audio, and video. Furthermore, these items are searchable and even shareable. Microsoft OneNote is great for research or for gathering unstructured data.
Microsoft Office 2010 contains Outlook, Excel, Word, OneNote and PowerPoint. If one learns to use this software, he or she will have the opportunity to be effective and efficient.
GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law e-mail AttatLawGC@gmail.com
Gregory Chandler - Protecting Yourself From Phishing Trips
Threats from these attacks have spread from your desktop to your cell phone and multimedia devices. Staying in the know about these new threats is important to every organization and individual. Easily identifiable spam-like mass phishing campaigns have evolved to the more sophisticated spear-phishings attacks. Spear phishing attacks are low volume attacks that are difficult to differentiated from legitimate e-mails and are very technically advanced. Anti-phishing filters are having an incredibly hard time keeping pace. Websites representing popular social networking sites (such as Facebook and Twitter), auction sites (like Pay Pal and Ebay) banking sites, and even the U. S. government agencies (FBI) are just a few of the mechanisms used to lure the unsuspecting public.
One of the more common attacks experienced by individuals is through e-mail. A great deal of effort has been devoted to solving the phishing problem through prevention and the detection of phishing e-mails and websites. Automated detection systems are the first line of defense against phising attacks. These tools are very effective, but can only address part of phishing threats. User education offers a complementary approach in reducing risk, raising awareness and helping internet users to better understand and recognize fraudulent websites and e-mails. To further safeguard against attacks, online users should seek training in the recognition of these attacks. Many internet security providers give courses in methods to safeguard against phishing.
Some practices that can help internet users mitigate phishing attacks include turning off your Outlook reading panel and not opening links in e-mails. Allowing Outlook to automatically open your e-mail puts your computer at risk to spam, phishing and viruses.
To further reduce risk, internet users should also look for https at the beginning of the URL in the address bar, the padlock in the top right of the address bar, the green address bars in the latest high security browsers (IE 7.0 and above) and the trust mark to be present to the right of the padlock. Furthermore, users should open a new browser window for each session and type in the web address of the site you wish to visit. Since threats change quickly, it behooves the home user to keep his or her computer system patched at all times. This includes your operating system, applications, anti-virus, anti-spyware and firewall software. Lastly, remember banks do not request personal information or account information via e-mail.
For a training video, please visit the Federal Trade Commission website at http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/edu/multimedia/ecards/phishing.
GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law e-mail address: AttatLawGC@gmail.com
Monday, August 9, 2010
Gregory Chandler, Attorney, on Vitargo
Vitargo is a patented complex carbohydrate supplement that has plenty of clinical research supporting its superiority over other carbohydrates. Vitargo moves through the stomach at a rate that is more than twice as fast as typical sugars, such as those found in sports drinks. The result is a carbohydrate that gets into your bloodstream much faster than any other carbohydrate, resulting in an incredible spike in the anabolic hormone insulin. This insulin spike helps deliver those carbohydrates--as well as the amino acids from whey protein, casein protein, branched chain amino acids, plus creatine--to your muscle fibers.
GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law E-mail AttatLawGC@gmail.com
Gregory Chandler on CASEIN: Good for Bedtime
For bodybuilders, whey protein is typically the main protein supplement. Another type of protein supplement is casein. Casein is a much slower-digesting protein as compared to whey.
In earlier times, slow-digesting proteins, such as casein, were considered inferior after workouts because your body only has a short time window to boost recovery and muscle growth. Yet research now shows that taking casein after workouts is as effective as whey at boosting muscle growth. Whey protein and casein protein can be mixed together to get a protein blend that is both fast acting and long lasting.
In addition, taking some casein before bedtime is a good way to prevent protein breakdown during the night's sleep.
Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law
E-mail AttatLawGC@gmail.com
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Gregory Chandler - Wounded Warrior Project
The Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to honor and empower wounded warriors of the United States Armed Forces. WWP works to raise awareness and enlist the public's aid for the needs of severely injured service personnel. WWP was formed in 2002 to assist service personnel wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq.
In past years, I have counseled many wounded service personnel. I have personal knowledge of the needs of these wounded warriors.
To find out more about WWP go to its website: http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/
Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law
Colonel, USAR
Gregory Chandler - Want Abs? Try CONJUGATED LINOLEIC ACID (CLA)
CLA is a fat that can help you reduce your body-fat stores, while encouraging muscle mass and boosting strength. CLA does this by inhibiting an enzyme, lipoprotein lipase, which encourages body-fat storage. By reducing the action of this enzyme, you help prevent fat from being stored in you body, encouraging fat to be burned for fuel.
A study presented at the 2006 Experimental Biology Conference in San Francisco, California reported that subjects taking 3.4 g of CLA a day without diet or exercise for six months lost roughly 5 pounds more body fat than subjects who consumed olive oil, and their fat loss came primarily from their abdomen area. The same study also reported that subjects taking CLA added about 1 pound of muscle mass without any exercise.
Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law
Gregory Chandler - Harvard University Faculty Honors
In April 2010, nine Harvard University faculty members were among the 72 members newly elected to the National Academy of Sciences. Such faculty members are: Porter W. Anderson, senior lecturer on pediatrics, Harvard Medical School; Michael J. Hopkins, professor of mathematics; William G. Kaelin, professor of medicine, Gary King, Weatherhead University Professor, a quantitative social scientist; Kenneth S. Rogoff, Cabot professor of public policy; Donald B. Rubin, Loeb professor of statistics; Kevin Struhl, Gaiser professor of biological chemistry and molecular pharmacology; Mary C. Waters, Zuckerman professor of sociology; and David A. Weitz, Mallinckrodt professor of physics and applied physics.
The Veritas will always come out.
Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Gregory Chandler - Glucomannan Aids Fat Loss
For fat burning purposes, take 3,000 mg per day split into two 1,500 mg doses.
Gregory Chandler
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Gregory Chandler - Beta-Alanine Body-Building's Hot Supplement
Carnosine has been found to be critical for muscle strength. A dipeptide is a protein that's two amino acids long.
Research shows that it not only boosts muscle strength, but when taken with creatine, it enhances muscle growth and fat loss more so than creatine alone. That is a good reason to cycle beta-alanine with creatine.
A good cycle is to take 1 or 2 grams when you take your creatine. Then, cycle beta-alanine for five months on and one month off for best results.
Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law
Monday, May 17, 2010
Gregory Chandler - ZMA: for testosterone boosting
ZMA is a compound of zinc monomethionine aspartate, magnesium aspartate and vitamin B-6.
Zinc, in aspartate form, is more easily absorbed than other kinds, and the addition of vitamin
B-6 is thought to increase the effectiveness of the minerals.
A research study of the effects of ZMA was conducted by Lorrie Brilla, PhD, a professor at Western Washington University. Brilla published the results of the study in the Journal of Exercise Physiology in year 2000. The study found that when college football players who were doing a workout in the morning and a workout in the afternoon took ZMA, their testosterone levels did not drop as much as typically is seen. In fact, levels of testosterone and growth hormone (both of which are intimately linked to muscle growth) increased in those subjects taking ZMA and actually decreased in the control group, most likely as a result of intense training.
Zinc is involved in protein synthesis as well as maintaining various hormone levels, like testosterone. Zinc affects the way the body uses testosterone preventing it form changing into what is commonly called DHT, a bad form of testosterone. Magnesium also has various muscle-boosting effects, being a key player in the pathways that initiate muscle growth.
Therefore, male bodybuilders would be wise to use ZMA.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Gregory Chandler - Military Spouses Residency Relief Act
The Servicemembers Civil Relief Act was amended to allow both a servicemember and his or her spouse to maintain their original state of residency every time they move. The benefit became effective in 2009 and will prevent a military spouse from having to file a separate state income tax return.
Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law
Colonel, USAR
e-mail attatlawgc@gmail.com
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Gregory Chandler on Women Athletes Need More Iron
Researchers in a study on iron supplementation in female soldiers during military training explained that low iron impairs mental and physical performance and noted that female soldiers lose iron during military training.
In an effort to maintain good iron levels, scientist gave a test group of female soldiers 20 mg of iron per day or a placebo for eight weeks during basic training. The doctors found cellular signs that iron was decreasing in all participants during training, but the placebo group lost more iron than the iron group. Compared to the placebo group, those who took iron performed better in two-mile running tests and demonstrated better mood in mental examinations.
Researchers concluded that females beginning a higher level of physical training should undergo tests for iron level. Iron supplementation should be considered for those females with low iron levels.
Colonel, USAR