Wednesday, March 30, 2011


GREGORY CHANDLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ON RESVERATROL According to research, resveratrol extends the lifespan of yeast cells up to 70%. This finding led researchers to ask if these same life-extending effects could be applied to humans. Is resveratrol a useful supplement in anti-aging? To answer this question, we can look at the facts. Resveratrol is a polyphenol found in red wine and grape skin as well as certain berries and stalks of the Japanese knotweed plant. Plants produce resveratrol as a "defense mechanism" in response to stress, injury, fungal infection or ultraviolet radiation. One proven way to extend lifespan in a variety of mammals is to restrict calorie consumption. Resveratrol seems to mimic the same gene expression effects of calorie restriction. Resveratrol extends the lifespan of yeast cells an astounding 70% primarily due to its action on the Sir2 gene. Studies on worms, fruit flies, and fish came to the same conclusion: resveratrol extends lifespan. In a study on human cells, resveratrol activated a similar gene, SIRT1, and enhanced the survival rate of cells stressed by irradiation. For humans, it's estimated that you would need to reduce calorie consumption down to 1,600 per day from the average of 2,400 a day to achieve lifespan increases. The thought is that resveratrol could impart the same benefit without starving yourself. Red wine consumption may explain why the French, who consume a diet rich in saturated fat, have a 42% lower incidence of heart disease than individuals in the United States of America. Resveratrol is transferred from grape skin to red wine during the fermentation process. Very little resveratrol exists in white wine since it is fermented without grape skins. The level of resveratrol in red wine varies widely due to various factors such as geography and type of grape. For example, Pinot Noir contains about 5 mg per bottle while Cabernet Sauvignon contains about 1 mg per bottle. One way of getting resveratrol without the alcohol and calories of wine is by supplementing with resveratrol. One can find resveratrol at retailers such as GNC. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law


In the past, I have advised about the benefits of L-carnitine. I return to the subject of this amino acid again. In a study, 258 obese individuals with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes took 120 mg of the prescription fat blocker Orlistat three times per day, with or without 2,000 mg of L-carnitine once per day, for one year. The researchers took measurements at the start and end of the study, and every three months. Compared to those who took Orlistat alone, those in the L-carnitine group improved faster and had greater improvement in weight loss, cholesterol, triglycerides, insulin resistance and signs of inflammation, with no serious side effects. This information, however, is not just helpful to diabetics, anyone who wants to lose weight should consider taking L-carnitine. I would advise consultation first with a medical doctor or nutritionist. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Gregory Chandler, Attorney, on Omega-3s and Stress

In one study, doctors opined that the human body releases the hormone cortisol to respond to stress. The doctors also opined that when cortisol levels remain high, the human body becomes unhealthy. Researchers asked 44 healthy men and women, average 34, to maintain their diet and exercise routines while taking 1,600 mg of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) plus 800 mg of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) per day, or a placebo. After six weeks, compared to the placebo, the omega-3s group had much lower levels of cortisol, much less fat mass and more lean muscle mass. One easy way to supplement with omega-3s is by taking fish oil capsules. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Individuals who train with weights know that creatine provides the muscular energy that allows one to perform extra repetitions of a weightlifting exercise. Creatine helps muscles store the type of energy that are needed for strength, speed, and power in short bursts. Movements of this nature are called anaerobic exercise. The opposite of anaerobic exercise is aerobic exercise which calls for less strength, speed, and power and is performed over a longer period of time. Think of a 100 meter sprinter as doing anaerobic exercise. Think of a marathon runner as doing aerobic exercise. In one study, 50 moderately trained men and women measured their maximum anaerobic running capacity on a series of treadmill tests over three days. Participants then took 5 grams of creatine four times per day or a placebo. After five days, participants repeated the three-day treadmill test. While there was no effect in women, men who took creatine increased their anaerobic running capacity by 23 percent without significant weight gain. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law


Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) is often called the universal antioxidant because it protects a wide range of body systems and assists other antioxidants in the body. Some researchers believe that ALA helps shift glucose into muscles and away from fat cells. This process increases energy and reduces stored fat. In a study, scientists gave 1,127 overweight or obese men and women 800 mg of ALA per day. After four months, average blood pressure had declined significantly. The participants in the study also had an average of two to four points lower body mass index scores. Obese women lost an average of 3.5 inches in waist size, and obese men lost an average of 4.3 inches from the waist. GREGORY CHANDLER, Attorney at Law

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I often write about the many benefits of Omega-3s. Now, researchers have concluded that Omega-3 fatty acids can prevent gum disease.

In gum disease, the gums become infected and inflamed. Researchers in one study thought the anti-inflammatory properties of omega-3s might reduce the likelihood of gum disease.

The researchers measured the diets of 9,182 men and women, aged at least 20 years old, who had been given a dental exam. Those who consumed the most DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) were 20% less likely to have gum disease compared to those who got the least DHA. The results were similar bu slightly less for EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid).


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Gregory Chandler, Attorney at Law, on new Vitamin D Guidelines

On November 30, 2010, a panel of experts from the U. S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommended that individuals take more vitamin D. The new guidelines are a change from 1997 standards.

For people ages 1 to 69, the new Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is now 600 IU of vitamin D per day, up from 200 IU per day for those under age 50, and up from 400 IU for those ages 50 to 70.

For those ages 70 or more, the RDA is now 800 IU of vitamin D per day, up from 600 IU.

For everyone 9 years of age or older, IOM sets the tolerable upper intake limit for vitamin D at 4,000 IU per day.


Thursday, March 10, 2011


Conjugated Linoleic Acid, better known as CLA, is a good fat burner. CLA has benefits that athletes, bodybuilders and dieters can appreciate. CLA helps speed up the body's fat metabolism so more fat deposits get flushed out of the body. The result is that these fat deposits do not remain in the body.

In addition, CLA increases the proportion of lean muscle to fat in our bodies. Since muscle burns more calories than fat, people who use CLA may experience an additional plus because the more muscle they create, the more calories they burn.

I would recommend 2 to 5 grams of CLA daily. Those weighing less than 150 pounds can take 2 grams per day. Those weighing up to 200 pounds take 3 grams per day. At 250 pounds, take 4 grams a day. Those weighing 300 pounds or more can take up to 5 grams a day.


Friday, March 4, 2011


HMB is the common name for beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate. HMB is a leucine metabolite that can be taken as a supplement to help promote size and strength gains. HMB acts to prevent muscle degeneration during exercise. One study showed that taking 3 grams per day of HMB during a four-week resistance training program effectively increased upper-body strength and minimized muscle damage whether subjects had training experience or not.

Another study compared HMB to creatine and showed that the two supplements work differently but have positive effects on muscle gains. During a three-week trial, subjects were assigned to one of four groups: one that took 3 grams of HMB per day, one that took 20 grams per day of creatine for one week and then 10 grams per day for the following two weeks, one that took a combination of HMB and creatine, or the placebo group. Participants gained lean muscle mass and strength in the three treatment groups compared to the placebo, and the group taking HMB had less protein breakdown. This effect was even more pronounced in the HMB-plus-creatine group, which suggests that these two supplements assist each other.