Monday, October 12, 2009

Gregory Chandler on Preworkout Supplements

Before weightlifting, I recommend some of the following supplements:

  • Caffeine-Caffeine provides energy for high-intensity training by enhancing the amount of fat you burn during workouts. Caffeine may be taken as a supplement or in a beverage such as coffee;

  • Nitric oxide boosters-This supplement works to dilate the blood vessels. The dilation works to speed oxygen, nutrients, and anabolic hormones throughout the body;

  • Whey protein-This type of protein is fast acting. Since whey protein acts fast, the protein is delivered to the muscles right before the weightlifting;

  • Branched chain amino acids(BCAAs)-This supplement contains the essential amino acids of leucine, isoleucine, and valine. BCAAs act to stimulate muscle protein synthesis, which leads to muscle growth;

  • Creatine-This supplement works to allow a weightlifter to perform extra repetitions on an exercise;

  • Beta-alanine-This supplement enhances the impact of creatine in the body.


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Gregory Chandler, Attorney, Go Green with Green Tea

Go Green. I am not referring to environmental concerns. Here, I address matters of good health.

Green tea is healthy drink that is loaded with protective phytochemicals. Green tea is a beneficial drink for bodybuilders and those concerned with good health. Green tea has few calories and very little caffeine. The primary benefit of green tea is that it contains epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the fat-loss compound used in many bodybuilding supplements. EGCG can increase fat oxidation and thermogenesis (the generation of body heat), which burns calories.

Green tea's many healthy benefits are that it:

  • Contains antioxidants that combat free radicals, the electron-deficient molecules that cause damage to cells,

  • Fights dental cavities,

  • May help prevent many types of cancer,

  • Has cardiovascular benefits in that an extract of green and black teas has been shown to lower cholesterol,

  • May help detoxify the blood, thus supporting liver function,

  • Maintains bone density,

  • Reduces inflammation.

The bottom line is that one should go green and drink some green tea.


Monday, October 5, 2009

Gregory Chandler on Creatine and Brain Function

Most dedicated bodybuilders know about creatine's role in bodybuilding. Creatine supplementation can improve one's performance in anaerobic tasks. Creatine use may also play a role in increasing the volume of a person's muscle cells. Researchers are constantly looking for new benefits from creatine supplementation. Recent research has shown that creatine supplementation (8 grams per day for five days) reduces mental fatigue when subjects repeatedly perform a simple mathematical calculation. Specifically, after taking the creatine supplementation, subjects exhibited a task-prompted increase in oxygen utilization in the brain. As creatine is abundant in the brain, and is used as an energy source for ATP synthesis, its role in the prevention of mental fatigue is useful in one's tasks outside bodybuilding.

During September 2009, I was faced with some awesome deadlines. I do lots of work as a transactional attorney. My goal is to always perform my tasks at a high level of proficiency. Knowing the recent research on creatine, I increased my supplementation with creatine. Perhaps the increased creatine allowed me to perform my tasks.

In closing, the research is that creatine supplementation works both in the gym and in your everyday tasks.


Thursday, October 1, 2009

Gregory Chandler - FBI Crime Lab

An attorney contacted me earlier this year for assistance. I was informed that the attorney's client was going through a nasty divorce. The client's wife (soon to be ex-wife) alleged that documents concerning the marriage were forgeries.

I have trained at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. As a result, I have an awareness of how common the wife's forgery allegations are. My personal and professional experience also tells me that most forgery allegations can be disposed of by hiring a questioned documents examiner.

A competent examiner of questioned documents will have training in handwriting analysis, hand printing, typewriting, printing, erasures, and alterations. The FBI trains individuals in these areas of expertise.

In the mentioned case, I retained a questioned documents examiner for the divorce case. The questioned documents examiner analyzed several signatures of the wife. The analysis concluded that the forgery allegations are without merit. The gist of the analysis is that the wife--like most individuals--rarely execute the same signature everytime.

The bottom line is that when documents are questioned, a questioned documents examiner is helpful. A questioned documents examiner is needed by the accuser,the accused, and other interested individuals or entities.